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Former State Senator: Medical Marijuana Advocates Meant To Craft A 'vague' Law To Try To Legalize Marijuana

Michael Komorn


Formerstate senator: Medical marijuana advocates meant to craft a 'vague' law to tryto legalize marijuana




More Disturbing views from those in the Minority, and interfering with the implementation of the mandate of the voters of the State of Michigan.



SAGINAW TWP. – A former Republican state senator says advocatesof a medical marijuana law were "very blatant" in their attempts tocraft a vague law "so they could basically legalize marijuana."


Alan Cropsey, now director of legislative relations for AttorneyGeneral Bill Schuette, said legislators and the attorney general's office haverecommended revisions to clarify uncertainty in the act, or have backedRepublican-led legislation to interpret the law's meaning.


Any changes would require a three-fourths vote of theLegislature since voters approved the law in 2008.


"That's a very high standard," Cropsey said to dozensof people at a medical marijuana education seminar the attorney general'soffice presented at the Horizons Conference Center, 6200 State. "We'rehoping we can meet it."


Among the revisions in either pending legislation orrecommendations: Patients must give the address of where their medicalmarijuana plants are grown and implied consent for warrantless administrativeinspections of the location, Cropsey said.


Losing card or having it stolen and reporting it could mean acard holder could face a misdemeanor charge.


Medicalmarijuana card information would be sent to the Michigan State Police for entryinto the Law Enforcement Information Network.The former lawmaker also urged expanding a ban on caregiverswith a drug felony to those with any felony conviction.


Recommended revisions also would ban use on child care andeducational institutions, he said.


Marijuana couldn't be transported in a motor vehicle unless itwas enclosed, like a gun, he said.


The proposed restrictions wouldn't force insurance companies toreimburse the expense of medical marijuana.


Cropsey also noted legislation, such as a proposal from Sen.Roger Kahn, R-Saginaw Township, would require a "bonafide"doctor-patient relationship before granting a medical marijuana card.




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