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Inhaled Cannabis Beneficial For Fibromyalgia Patients, Study Says

Michael Komorn


Inhaled Cannabis Beneficial For Fibromyalgia Patients, Study Says


Often much criticism is given to the negative aspects of inhaling medical cannabis to treat a debilitating condition. Here is scientific proof and study that supports the the ingestion of cannabis works.



Barcelona, Spain: The use of cannabis is associated with beneficial effects on various symptoms of fibromyalgia, including the relief of pain and muscle stiffness, according to the results of an observational case-control study published online in the journal PLoS (Public Library of Science) ONE. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome associated with musculoskeletal pain and fatigue. Symptoms of fibromyalgia are poorly controlled by conventional medications.

Investigators at the Institut de Recerca Hospital del Mar in Barcelona, Spain, assessed the associated benefits of cannabis in patients with fibromyalgia (FM) compared with FM patients who did not use the substance. Twenty-eight users and non-users participated in the study.

Authors reported: "Patients used cannabis not only to alleviate pain but for almost all symptoms associated to FM, and no one reported worsening of symptoms following cannabis use. ... Significant relief of pain, stiffness, relaxation, somnolence, and perception of well-being, evaluated by VAS (visual analogue scales) before and two hours after cannabis self-administration was observed."


Cannabis users in the study also reported higher overall mental health summary scores than did non-users.

Investigators concluded: "The present results together with previous evidence seem to confirm the beneficial effects of cannabinoids on FM symptoms. Further studies regarding efficacy of cannabinoids in FM as well as cannabinoid and stress response system involvement in their pathophysiology are warranted."



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