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What Can I Do Right Now To Help The Mmma?



blog-0067407001339706023.jpgWhat Can I Do Right Now To Help The Mmma?


Many people have asked what the MMMA is doing to help the medical marijuana community and what they can do to help the MMMA. We’ve compiled a list of several things that we are currently working on that we can use some help with, and other ideas for you to do on your own. We also have someone to help you with everyone of these ideas.


1) Write a letter to your legislators. This is something the MMMA has been encouraging for several months now, and is more important than ever. Actually letting your representatives know how you feel is empowering and helps get the message to our lawmakers that we are willing to fight for our rights as patients and citizens. Washtenaut has volunteered to help anyone writing a letter to their congresspersons. You an contact him here: http://michiganmedic...953-washtenaut/


2) Write a Letter to the Editor (LTE) of your local newspaper. Many people have mentioned the value of newspaper articles. Well a Letter to the Editor is exactly that, a free newspaper article. Not only is it a frre article, but you get to control the exact message, unlike having an independent reporter write it. LTEs are the most overlooked form of activism in our community and give us the ability to reach many, many people that we would normally not meet. Again, Washtenaut has volunteered to help anyone writing a letter to their local newspaper. You can contact him here: http://michiganmedic...953-washtenaut/


3) Attend the public meetings of your local congresspersons to talk to them in person. There’s nothing like actually talking to your congressional representative in person. Be respectful, and get your point across plainly and succinctly. For more information on when your congresspersons are holding public meeting times contact Chad: http://michiganmedic...-zapatosunidos/


4) Attend or start a patient support group or Compassion Club in your area. Holding regular informational meetings in your neighborhood is the best way to start a network of allied patients and caregivers in your area. These groups help new patients apply for the program, help connect qualified caregivers with needy patients, and keep the community abreast of all the news from around the state. For more information of finding a club in your area, or starting one contact Celliach http://michiganmedic.../2803-celliach/


5) Meet with MMMA staff holding coffee hours. MMMA staff member will start holding “Coffee Hours” in different public locations around the state where you can meet them and ask questions about the MMMA or the Act. For meeting times contact AKenewell: http://michiganmedic...4293-akenewell/


6) Collect news stories on medical marijuana in your community, throughout the state, and nationally and send them to quietone http://michiganmedic...29170-quietone/ who’ll be putting together a regular news briefing for the community.


7) If you can't do anything else, become a card carrying member of the MMMA, by paying for membership. Your money will go directly to fighting for the rights of Michigan medical marijuana patients.




Source: What Can I Do Right Now To Help The Mmma?


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