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Oct 1St Sentencing Date!



Dear US vs Duval

Medical cannabis in Michigan will take a brutal blow during the first week of October with the sentencing of 5 patients and providers in federal court. Coming out to show solidarity really means a lot to the defendants, and it also has been shown to influence Judges. All 5 defendants are being federally sentenced for cultivation and conspiracy to manufacture marijuana. Please come out to show your support for these heroes of our movement ...

When: 3:00 PM Monday, October 1

What: Sentencing for Jerry Duval, Jr. and Jeremy Duval

Where: 231 Lafayette Blvd.

Detroit, Michigan

Judge Lawson

When: 8:45 AM Thursday, October 4

What: Sentencing for Shelley Waldron and Jaycob Montague

Where: 110 Michigan St. NW

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Judge Robert Bell

When: 8:45 AM Friday, October 5

What: Sentencing for John Marcinkewciz

Where: 110 Michigan St. NW

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Judge Robert Bell

Please remember to:

  • Be respectful. It is often hard to sit and watch injustices unfold in front of you, but interruptions in the courtroom can cause a judge to take his anger out on the defendant.
  • Dress for court. Dress like it is YOU that is on the stand. As supporters in the courtroom your appearance reflects on the defendant.
  • When the judge dismisses the defendant, everyone should all stand up and leave with them.

Click here for more information about Court Support


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