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Reflections On Elections

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This morning I awoke with a strange feeling, and I am probably the only person who feels this way, so I am just a lone voice crying in the wilderness.:mellow:

It seems from all the forums here and watching the news channels, that we are reduced (maybe some are happy with this) to voting for people who hate our individual rights. Oh sure, the republicans want you to retain some of your rights and give up others, and the democrats want you to have some of your rights but not all. Both of these are sides of the same stateist coin. To them, you do not own yourself, but must be subjected to some level of tyranny against your individual rights for "the good of the many", however that appears in their minds.

So, good luck with voting for people who hate your individual human rights. I just know that after all these elections of people voting for the lesser of two evils, we now have a lot of evil piled up. :thumbsu:

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420Peace Bisharoo,


I feal you.


For me we have the best, worst system.


It was us who voted in the MMMA not politicians.


In a Democarcy even the Marijuana Hating Politicians/Public Official have to eat our 420Vote,

and at some point they will like it!



So I always Vote...





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This morning I awoke with a strange feeling, and I am probably the only person who feels this way, so I am just a lone voice crying in the wilderness.:mellow:

It seems from all the forums here and watching the news channels, that we are reduced (maybe some are happy with this) to voting for people who hate our individual rights. Oh sure, the republicans want you to retain some of your rights and give up others, and the democrats want you to have some of your rights but not all. Both of these are sides of the same stateist coin. To them, you do not own yourself, but must be subjected to some level of tyranny against your individual rights for "the good of the many", however that appears in their minds.

So, good luck with voting for people who hate your individual human rights. I just know that after all these elections of people voting for the lesser of two evils, we now have a lot of evil piled up. :thumbsu:

The quote goes something like this "Evil flourishes when good men do nothing." There are a great many people in this movement who are fighting hard for our inherent, natural right to control our minds and bodies and as cynical as I am I would like to remind everyone that this declaration and claim of our freedom was won at the ballot box by the will of the people.(That shouldn't have been needed in the first place , but that's another story) Unfortunately in this Republic our leaders are a reflection of our society as a whole ,the people get what they ask for, and this is the result of a dumbed down society that knows more about Lindsey Lohan than the Bill of Rights.

Our rights are not granted by government, our rights to speak,write,think, and defend ourselves are natural rights, you have them when you are born. Government then tries to restrict them and you must respond by asserting them as we are doing in this movement.So The point is we must continue to vote all the time, every time, we must talk to our friends,neighbors and family and spread that message. It was an active 5-10% of the poulation that led the revolution against the British,when good men could no longer do nothing.The tools for reform lie within the Constitution and Bill of Rights these are our weapons that all good men can use to fight evil.We hold thes truths to be self-evident.

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