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Legally Recognized Psychotropic Drugs


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This is an article, located at a website called wisegeek.com and was written by Tricia Ellis-Christensen

Last Modified: 21 June 2010


"Psychotropic drugs, sometimes also called psychoactive, affect the central nervous system, and can cause a variety of changes in behavior or perception. Many think psychotropic drugs are only of the illegal variety, like the psychedelic drugs frequently used in the late 1960s, such as acid, LSD, angel dust, and marijuana. However, even something as relatively benign as caffeine is considered one of many psychotropic drugs.


Psychotropic drugs have different uses and are broken into four major groups: hallucinogens, antipsychotics, depressants and stimulants. Types often cross into other categories as they produce more than one type of effect. Marijuana, for example is considered a depressant, stimulant and hallucinogen.


Marijuana has many applications in medicine and may be helpful to some patients with AIDS or cancer. Since marijuana can control nausea and promote appetite, as well as reduce pain, it can be helpful for those experiencing intense suffering. However, stigma associated with illegal marijuana use by hippies has stalled legalization, or limited access to the drug for medicinal purposes for many.


Another of the psychotropic drugs frequently in use is alcohol, a depressant. It can impair mood, causing either elation or depression, and impairs ability to think clearly or make rational decisions. Supporters for legalization of marijuana often point to the oft-used and readily available alcohol that is considered far more toxic, potentially impairing and dangerous, as well as addictive, compared to marijuana. (Yet, ironically, alcohol is perfectly legal while regulated.)


Other psychotropic drugs effecting mood include antidepressants, anti-psychotics, mood stabilizers and tranquilizers. The various effects of these psychotropic drugs are considered vital to the practice of psychiatry. Antidepressants like Prozac®, and Zoloft® may help reduce depression or anxiety. They can however, provoke anxiety as they are of the stimulant type. Tranquilizers, which are of the depressant class, may be more effective for severe anxiety. Mood stabilizers may either be of the stimulant or anti-psychotic class and can help people with bipolar conditions. Anti-psychotics are often used to treat schizophrenia. (Now, on a side note, how is it that marijuana is still considered illegal under federal law, for medicinal purposes????????)


Some psychotropic drugs can foster addiction, with many belonging to either the stimulant or depressant classes. For example, many depressants like morphine are used to alleviate symptoms of pain. Morphine is addictive, and is derived from opium, from which heroin is also derived. Most receiving morphine also note hallucinatory episodes when given high doses of morphine, and long term use of morphine can cause difficulties in withdrawing from the medication. (Now, on a side note, how is it that marijuana is still considered illegal under federal law, for medicinal purposes????????)


Stimulants, which can range from caffeine, to Ritalin, to illegal medications like crystal meth, crank and cocaine also can be addictive. For example, coffee drinkers may notice extreme headaches if they skip a day of drinking coffee. The headache can be severe but tends to resolve in a day or two. Nicotine is a highly addictive stimulant, though most people believe it has a relaxing effect. Addiction to cocaine is almost assured after consistent use over several weeks. As well, children who take Ritalin can become dependent upon the medication and have a difficult time weaning off of it as adults. (Now, on a side note, how is it that marijuana is still considered illegal under federal law, for medicinal purposes????????)


The action of psychotropic drugs is not always clearly understood. For example, researchers assume some antidepressants increase the levels of serotonin in the brain. This is theory, and those using the medications seem to benefit. However, it is not proof, and little explanation exists for those who have opposite reactions to medications used to elevate mood. As well, nicotine is thought to both relax and stimulate, another unclear reaction." (Now, on a side note, how is it that marijuana is still considered illegal under federal law, for medicinal purposes????????)



Ok, so, how many people does ANYONE know of that overdosed and died from ONLY the use of marijuana, and with no other pre existing medical conditions? I do, however, know of alcohol poisoning, where people will drink it too fast, and too much, then die. Let's not forget that alcohol is considered perfectly legal while regulated. (That makes me go "HUH??????")


How many patients have overdosed from the use of Medical Marijuana? I will also say that I don't have faith in any government agency report. Why? Because their track record of lies, half truths and past history of manufacturing evidence causes me to somewhat hesitate before I believe what they claim to be truth.


Marijuana hallucinations? Assuming it was not mixed with another substance, assuming that person did not use another substance recently before using the marijuana, but are there such things as marijuana hallucinations? I am thinking a perspective is altered but an actual acid type trip????

Would those same marijuana hallucinations be the same thing as an alcohol hallucination? Would it be like the guy who got really, really drunk and woke up next to the icky old smelly and stinky woman he picked up at a bar the night before? Thinking she was a hella hottie woman while under the influence of legally recognized booze? Contributing to a possible STD and or unwanted pregnancy, if the woman was not menopausal?


Would medicinal marijuana cause a person to become a MEAN STONER as in a MEAN DRUNK and beat up on people or beat up on his/her spouse like that wacky and wild legal alcohol does?

Has anyone met a person who used medicinal marijuana who become violent like with legalized alcohol?


Has anyone met a person who used medicinal, or any marijuana, that claimed he raped or killed another due to being high, not DRUNK?


Does a person regularly using medicinal marijuana get black-outs like an alcoholic does with the legal sale and legal use of alcohol?


After reading that, if anyone cared to, what is the legal logical sound basis for federal law still making medicinal marijuana illegal?

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