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Mmma - What's In Your Interpretation?

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Act: 586,000,010.


Scene: 98 quadrillioin-ka-mega-zillion-trillion-Billion and two.


(or, something like that ... I mean, is ANYONE Really keeping track?!)





Does your interpretation [of the MMMA] allow for patient-to-patient transfers of marijuana?


Inspector Zarotney: First of all, we are law enforcers. We don’t interpret the law, we read and enforce the law. It’s the courts’ job to interpret the law. We put information out to the field regarding changes to the law.


This law doesn’t need too much interpretation regarding transfers of marijuana between patients. If you read from the law, the definition of medical use is straightforward in that it clearly allows for the acquisition, possession, delivery, and transfer of marihuana within the confines of the law".




What was that he said, again?


"We don’t interpret, ... we read ... and enforce .."


Hmmm...Say WHAT?!


Run that by me AGAIN ...!?


OK .... (so much for "fundamental"!)


"First ... of all, ... we are ... law enforcers. We don’t interpret ... the law, ...we read ... and enforce ... the law. It’s the courts’ job to interpret ... the law. We put information out ... to the field "


So much for "COMPREHENSION," eh?!




Well, I guess, about all I can say about that "information" ... to be ... "put out in the field" is:


With a "clear as mud" "public" statement like that, it's no great wonder AT ALL how "The Law" often gets "confused".


But, how can this [next part] be anything but "crystal-clear" - to anyone - even to "the enturpreters" that {twistedly, somehow} come AFTER "the enforcers"? (particularly IF this is taken as a direct statement) of .... "The LAW":


"This law doesn't need too much interpretation ...regarding transfers of marijuana between patients. If you read ... from the law, the definition of medical use is straightforward in that it clearly allows for the acquisition, possession, delivery, and transfer of marihuana within the confines of the law."


Although, if the People's MSP's Field Agent did - indeed - say that last - most relative - part, that part is about as CRYSTAL-CLEAR as any statement of the "Plain and Simple Language of The Law" gets to be (at least for "WE The PEOPLE"), eh?!




Word of the day:




Pronunciation: \ˌkäm-pri-ˈhen(t)-shən, -prē-\

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle French & Latin; Middle French, from Latin comprehension-, comprehensio, from comprehendere to understand, comprise

Date: 15th century


1 a : the act or action of grasping with the intellect : understanding b : knowledge gained by comprehending c : the capacity for understanding fully <mysteries that are beyond our comprehension>


2 a : the act or process of comprising b : the faculty or capability of including : comprehensiveness 3 : connotation.


For further information and awareness (for the Health & Safety of the otherwise suffering public), please, see}:


"comprehension." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2010.


Merriam-Webster Online. 17 August 2010





Thank you, Merriam-Webster!


Thank you, Marijuana Ranch! (for the heads-up to the story that you posted at dawn this morning : )


Thank You Charmie Gholson and The Midwest Cultivator! (for the forementioned story)


linked here: http://www.themidwestcultivator.com/


Thank you - the law-makers, the enforcers, and interpreters of "the Plain & Simple langauge of The Law" ...


(for igniting the spark of reason ...to fan the flame of TRUTH ... to brighten the LIGHT of UNDERSTANDING - for EVERYONE - each and all!) ...


And, of course, Thank YOU - the multi-MILLIONS of CO-COMPASSSIONATE, FREE-MINDED, FREE-SPIRITED Michigan / American citizens of the world - who CHOOSE the LOVE of FREEDOM (instead of FEEdom imposed on we the community of individuals otherwise eternally enslaved by the FEE-world's multinational corporate interests).


And, last but certainly not the least of ALL that ever WAS and IS and WILL BE: Thank YHWH (Humanity's Omnipotent Creator of all of Magnificent Creation's Orchestrations; that Macho-Feminine, Balanced KARMA of all KARMA, Yin and Yang of all Spirit and Soul of Night and Day, of Dusk & Dawn, Autumn & Spring, Winter & Summer, The Finite of Infinites, of The Within and Without, Above and Below, Earth and Air, Fire & Ice ... Frozen & Fluid ...


May YOU always BE FLUIDLY STILL - Within as Without.


BE FREE! (Pass-It-On)


And, once again: Thank You - ALL, 3MA (squared) for doing what YOU ALL do ... as YOU do it ALL ... So WELL!


This bong's (a Freudian slip, perhaps?) for YOU!:


All things bright and beautiful,

All creatures great and small,

All things wise and wonderful,

YHWH made them all.


Each little flower that opens,

Each little bird that sings,

S/He made their glowing colours,

S/He made their tiny wings.


All things bright (chorus)...


The rich person in a castle,

The poor soul at the gate,

S/He made them high and lowly,

And ordered their estate.


All things bright (chorus)...


The purple headed mountain,

The river running by,

The sunset and the morning,

That brightens up the sky;−


All things bright (chorus)...


The cold wind in the winter,

The pleasant summer sun,

The ripe fruits in the garden,−

S/He made them every one:


All things bright (chorus)...


The tall trees in the greenwood,

The meadows where we play,

The rushes by the water,

We gather every day;−


All things bright (chorus)...


S/He gave us eyes to see them,

And lips that we might tell,

How great is S/He,

Who has made all things well [for WE!!].


All things bright (chorus)...


(Amen, eh?!)


But, a more gender neutral - (or, more gender homogenous) version of the popular song found here:




YHWH Rocks!


(And, certianly, ROLLS!)


The GREATEST REVELATION: "Religeon is Irreligeous! ... Spiritually speaking, of course")



: )





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