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Dutch Coffee Shops!

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In case you thought you were alone or thought the fight was as good as over....read it and weep. I did

Our friends in the Netherlands have another fight on their hands. Notice any similarities? Small growers are the way to go for many, many reasons. Our law looks better and better everyday. Hands OFF. No big grows

When you do the math on the small growers price of say 3000 euro for a kilo it works out to about 110/ounce


Everyone has been pushing little Holland around for a long time now. Even the ocean! but they are still there doin their thang! and we are everywhere! watching and waiting for our time...

Keep Smokin!

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This has been going on. I think it's stimulated by international forces. The general populace wouldn't vote for a complete ban now that they have established such a large tourism revenue. The business that canna-tourism brings into the country is in the millions and there is no replacing it. So even though capitalists sometime seem to stand in the way, once they get a taste of green commerce...they want more.


When you think about it, it seems that most food & beverage vendors would embrace the idea of consumers with a heavy case of 'the munchies' or severe 'cottonmouth' :))


It's also common knowledge(or urban myth)that confiscated marijuana in the Netherlands goes into the queens stashbox and is resold into the market. ...except the superkind-they burn that up! hehe

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