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G3C Leyton Lunch

Guest Wayne

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I had the great pleasure of meeting approximately 20 wonderful people who attended the fund raising lunch and meet & greet put on for Mr. Leyton by the great people who are G3c. I will hope that this very small group of financial supporters from this community represent but the tip of the iceberg. If not good luck with Bill Schuette as Attorney General of Michigan. A front line warrior in the war on drugs who will fight with everything he has to assure the children of Michigan are not exposed to the Assassin of Youth, cannabis.

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It was a pleasure to have you there today. Your right on target when you say that if Schutte is elected we are all in for a long bumpy road. I understand that there are many people in our community that cannot contribute financially but they can show their support on election day. Thanks again for your support it was a pleasure meeting you!!

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