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May I Make A Suggestions?


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I am so tired of seeing law enforcement and the courts screw people over. It's awful, especially lately, but seems to be getting worse and LEO don't even need search warrants, or they just steal your stuff, masked and armed, then leave, or they screw some poor person over in a big way.


I think it would be VERY COOL and helpful to have a link maybe in an appropriate place that won't get bumped down by other posts and make it specifically for Michigan & whatever federal laws like these cool people did for their Colorado site:








Information for Attorneys and Pro Se Defendants



This is their disclaimer and one could be on the top of said pages, too, if it's worth doing.


"DISCLAIMER: This information is intended for educational purposes only. No reliance, expressed or implied, may be made on the information on this page or on any of its links. Any persons considering applying for a medical marijuana card in the State of Colorado should consult an attorney first. This webpage and its related links do not advocate that anyone violate state or federal law. Sensible Colorado is not responsible for any damages incurred as a result of your reliance on the educational information on this page."

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I have another idea, and you may already be doing this, but if not....I got the idea from another idea on that Colorado website. They offer a MM scholarship to help people pay for their MM cards, but I say go one step farther:


MICHIGAN MEDICAL MARIJUANA ASSOCIATION COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP - I thought of would be a very cool idea to have an actual MMMAssoc scholarship to help people with college, too. It doesn't have to be millions. It can pay for books, class fee, both, anything....$200.00 would even help. Every little bit helps. Break down a thousand dollars into five separate $200.00 MMMAssoc Scholarships. That's five scholarships at colleges that could rightfully bring positive attention and awareness to the MM community. Offer it to the local community colleges. Plus, it shows the MM community for what it is; a caring community of decent people.


That information is handed out to so many seeking ways to help people pay for school. It gets printed everywhere and in areas of college publications and class schedule catalogs.


It can specify who the general candidates would be. You could say it is for Michigan residents. Maybe it is a struggling kid who has one or more people in the family sick, having to use MM, maybe it can be for anyone who writes an essay between 500 - 1000 (or whatever) words about the importance of MM....the essay topic can change year to year. Maybe there is an MM patient who needs help paying for college...the possibilities are endless. Does the MMMAssoc already have that?

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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

Good suggestions both. For the first suggestion we'd need a lawyer to write up the page. Only lawyer around here I'm aware of around here is Michael. So I guess if he thinks this is a good idea, he can write up something reflecting Mi laws in his free time, but I'd think this may take a wile. He's a pretty busy man. I guess if another lawyer offered to write it up we could put it up once checked over by Mr.Kormorn to make sure we're not giving out any information that isn't pertinent to Michigan. We couldn't simply copy the information here as is because 1] this is the intellectual property of the original compiler of the information and can't just plagiarize it, and 2] some of the information may not be pertanent to Mi law.


As for the second suggestion, I guess that depends on the generosity of the community. Currently we're struggling to keep our heads above water with all the projects we have at this time. With Michigan's current economy we really have to pinch pennies just to keep things going. This site alone is a heck of a drain on our donations and membership fees collected. We have to much traffic to run this site on a $5 a month shared hosting environment, and all our current crashes are because we have to keep upping our package to deal with all the traffic. Basically our partners are picking up the tab for what we can't cover, which is extremely generous of them. When this site used the Drupal software we were luck to have 50 people on the site at a time. Now I worry if I see less then a 100. Were also in the top of most search engine queries now because of this IPB software (the SEO functions of this software exceed Drupals by light years)....But sadly this has all come at a cost.


These things depend on the community's involvement though. I hope those that may be of help in these suggestions see your plea. I don't think our board would have a problem with me putting up pages for either of these things. So lets hope the right people see your message.




EDIT: Further reading some of the info on these pages, even though theres some law, some of this information exist here on this site.



This info on this site is located in the static content of our site as seen below. Now mind you we don't have the information regarding police, what they can do, and how you should act in accordance with the law.



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