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New Arcade:

Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

Just wanted to apologize for all the lost arcade scores. Installed a new arcade, and all the old games along with a few new ones. This is actually a better arcade, but it wasn't available to us when we first got this site up. This one does both the v2 and v32 games.


I actually had to replace this arcade, as there was a list of third party software that had some bugs when used with the latest upgrade for this site. So to be able to update our site to the newest version of all the IPB software, I kind of had to remove the old arcade. It just happened that this new version is actually better then the other......We just had to sacrifice all the scores to do it up...



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest OxXGarfieldXxO


Those of you that play with the arcade around here may have noticed for a few we'd went back to the old arcade format. There was a problem with the scores being saved for version 2 games, but I think I have it all corrected now. I played a number of them today and they all saved correctly, but if you find another problem please post them in here. The newer arcade doesn't have a report function like the old arcade.




EDIT: Went ahead and placed a way to report games to me. Just make sure and leave the game name or a link and any error messages that pop up.



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