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World's Biggest Party

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Sisters and Brothers


I realize that we have a lot on our plate and many in the community are juggling three and four actions and or events all at once so if this gets some negative responses I completely understand and would hold no hard feelings. Our small group of four will be putting insulation in the neighbors attic and caulking windows. A small thing but a lot of small things add up quick to some thing big.






The world is throwing a party this Sunday, and we wanted to make sure you got the invitation.

This summer, a series of unprecedented natural disasters including floods, fires, landslides, droughts and record heat showed the world that our global warming future is already a scary reality.


This weekend, on 10/10/10, hundreds of thousands of people from 176 nations will participate in a global work party to demonstrate an alternative path to their leaders. These people are tired of watching catastrophes unfold while politicians fail to act to curb rising carbon emissions. They also want to have some fun.


So instead of sitting on the sidelines waiting for politicians to do something, you can use this day to join with others to work on creative climate solutions in your own community.


In the U.S., friends in New Mexico will install a solar panel at a local homeless shelter, Atlanta parishioners will weatherize their church, and Californians will hold bike repair workshops. Internationally, Pakistanis will rally together in the flood-ravaged village of Booni, youth in Kabul will begin to replant their deforested nation, and the President of Maldives will install solar panels on his official residence.


All told, more than 5900 events are scheduled across the world, making it the largest day of practical climate action the planet has ever seen.


Grassroots organizers, led by 350.org, don't pretend they can save the world from global warming by planting trees for a day. Instead, 10/10/10 is about sending a powerful message that the world is ready to combat climate change, and that leaders need to get to work to make that happen.


It's not too late to sign-up for an event on Sunday or to organize one in your town. Get involved by signing 350.org's pledge to participate, check out some cool events and ideas, and leave a comment to tell us your plans for 10/10/10.

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