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The Battle Over Medical Marijuana

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Excerpts and a link to another controversy-oriented ABC News story:


"It seems some of the proponents of the law, their intent is to make it so convoluted that we in law enforcement say OK, we give up. Let's stop wasting taxpayer dollars and enforce the language of the law, and throw up our hands and regulate, tax the crap out of it and help solve some of the state budget problems," Konschuh said."


"It seems some of the proponents of the law, their intent is to make it so convoluted that we in law enforcement say OK, we give up. Let's stop wasting taxpayer dollars and enforce the language of the law, and throw up our hands and regulate, tax the crap out of it and help solve some of the state budget problems," Konschuh said.




"As Konschuh builds his case, advocates and other lawmakers across the state are standing by, waiting to see the outcome. What happens in Dryden could set precedent for how dispensaries are defined and regulated."


"It's the local municipalities now that have to take the bull by the horns, and that's what we ended up doing now," Roszczewski said."




So, who's "standing by"?! Certainly NOT Us!


End The State's persecutions and prosecutions of "We The People".





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"Search warrants were executed and searches were done based upon neighborhood complaints, based upon observations of police officers. There were all kinds of people coming and going," Konschuh said."




So, let's see .... that means the "neighborhood" was complaining because there were: "'all kinds of people coming and going,' Konschuh said."


Um ... it's called: "business".


And, business - especially a business with plenty of happy, satisfied customers and proprietors - is certainly something some of "WE The People" do believe is more than just good for the local economy.


End Ignorance.



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