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"we The People" [Plaintiffs/victims/complainants] V "we The People" [Defendants/accused]

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"We The People" [Plaintiffs/Victims/Complainants] V "We The People" [Defendants/Accused] When The Laws, The Lawyers and The Law Enforcers Get Much Too Impersonal"


Or: "What is ‘WT_,'" Alex!?


So, precisely, completely, what does it mean to any one of us who have ever cared or chanced to wonder at all what it means to each and every one of us who have been forced or faced by misfortune or fate to see or hear the legalistic expression of "Common Law" too often reflexively referred to as: "We The People"?


Do you know?


Do you Care?




Whether we are mindfully asking solely "just to learn" "for the sake of knowing," or we are charitably seeking, communally speaking, wholly to try to understand "in the name of Humanity," the "plain and simple" answer to the "million-dollar question" really is [at least, ideally, when provided equally] at least as much so for you and I, as much as it is so for all of us ever manifest in the world who, mingled by destiny and serendipity, contemporarily, collectively sharing the world together - personally, universally and entirely - very relevant.


Still, yet, the wonder remains: "How much do we care?"; "How much does anyone care?"; "Does anyone even care enough to care at all if anyone else cares - even just a little?"


Conversely, despite the "realist" in me that I sometimes allow myself to flatter myself to think that I can or should be, the "optimist" in me naturally strives to hope to believe that I am not the only inquisitive soul contained upon this whole, wide, worldly planet full of transient tenants in time that has [forever it seems] been begging for an answer to such timeless questions, for much longer than any elephantine memory of any mortal soul's lifetime or place of mind could or would or should ever care - much less want - to remember.


Ok; So, maybe that is a bit of a stretch; I'll admit that; Just know that my point is only looking to grab on and to hold onto some much commanded attention for our paramount question; Respectfully, urgently; But, hopefully, without smothering your distinctive and our collective consciousness.


The point is:


I've posed this relevant question, among other uncertainties pondered on these open forums of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association, in hopes of eliciting any valid response from any one of the forum's active and/or lurking defense and prosecuting attorneys ... to no avail. (So much for that pesky lil' ol' "Preamble" thingy, eh? Tsk, tsk! My, oh, my! What ever shall we do, now, without any "legal counsel" to unconscionably follow - like the dangling carrot held-out on a puppeteer string?)


Anyhow, at any rate, one may or may not have noticed before, but, regardless of prior witness to the query, this quality of life-imperative inquiry has often times been pointedly posed in the forum's "old formats" of "our community"; Though, unfortunately, all that has been shared in "our" founding forums of the 3MA - including all of the personal time and energy freely expended, and faithfully devoted to "our cause," not to mention the vast, daily and nightly contributed information pertaining to our healthful education and awareness, so passionately as compassionately provided by so many, appears to all have been flushed away somewhere down the vortex of cyber nothingness.


So, unofficially/officially asking, "on behalf" of all of us truth-seeking souls of the millions upon millions of all the well-known and unidentified ones of us throughout the world who really do care to know the "lawful" answer to the "nagging" question imperatively posed as much to as "of, by and for" every single [one day all!] "united" [but, still too divided] one of "We The People," I am asking once again ... and again, and again ... until we all are each - if we wish to be - sufficiently and satisfactorily, once and for all, lacking even the teeniest, weeniest, microscopic iota of any need or want of further "preponderance" or "cross-examination" of the "evidence" and personas "for or against" the matter before us, provided a legitimate, "legal" definition, and a "lawful" interpretation of one universal, undeniable purpose of "The Law's" inhumanely illogical, legalistic expression - for an answer to the question:


Just "What does it mean; "We The People"?


So we're clear, folks, please, ask it with me [over and over and over - until we all know]:


"What does it mean; ‘WE THE PEOPLE'".


To be sure we're "crystal-clear," let's "break-it-down" a little bit further, for our benefit and purposes; Shall we?


"We ... The ... People".


"WE"; "THE"; "PEOPLE".


"WE" ... As in "more than only one". (multiple, many, two or more, etc.)


"WE" ... As used in a sentence, such as: "This is NOT just about YOU; YOU see: 'WE' are ALL affected by ‘YOUR' actions that YOU declare to be on ‘our behalf'"; And: "I see; ‘WE' do not agree; Since YOU see one thing ‘YOUR' way; And, I see something ‘MY' way."


"The"... Well, let's just say, for now, that's a "definite article"; Actually THE "definite article," at least in the "modern English" language; And, we'll leave it be where it's at. It is what it is. Nothing more; Nothing less.


The word we're looking to highlight here, for everyone, is "People".


Well, two words, actually: "WE" and "PEOPLE"




"WE ... The ... PEOPLE".


Inclusively, what is actually inferred, precisely, by the commonplace indication of the "constitutional" "letter" and "the spirit" of the concept: "of, by and for" "WE The PEOPLE"?


Who do YOU "feel" or "believe" is "legally" allowed to say the phrase "lawfully"?


And, who do I "feel" should be "lawfully" empowered to say the phrase "rightfully"?


Can YOU say, "I am ‘We The People'"?


Can I say, "I am ‘We The People'"?


Can anyone at all say, without question: "I am ‘acting on behalf' ... ‘of, by and for' ... ‘We The People'"?


Is the phrase "We The People" patented by any one person, in much the same selfish way as a presumptuous-haired rich man claims tto "own" the fateful phrase: "You're Fired!"; Or, a Chihuahua-clutching socialite staking-claim to the exclamation: "That's Hot"?


Is the phrase patented by "The Government"?


Which, clearly, perhaps more than anything else, begs more and more answers to more important questions; Such as" Just "who," exactly, is "The Government"?! Hopefully, "We The People" will one day soon get to figure out the answer to that ages old "brain-stumper," too.


Is the phrase "We The People" universally meant to be exercised entirely "on behalf of" the collective "benefit" and the "good" "of, by and for" each and all of "We The People"?


Or, is the maxim off-handedly implied as "We The People" merely intended to be capriciously proclaimed at the sole discretion of only a few "select" individuals out of the countless numbers of persons and societies ever referenced across time as "We The People"?


And, please, carefully consider, if only "the few" are relegated to be "in control" of "We The People", just who of each and all of "We The People" should get to decide,"lawfully," and "legally," who is "rightfully" appointed to be acting [with or without the willful individual consent of each and all of "We The People"] "on behalf of," or "in the name of" each and all of "the many" or just "the few" of "We The People"?


What say you?

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So sad ... so very sad ... to see, particularly here on "We The People's" forums of the 3MA, that not one single person or "public official" of "WE The PEOPLE" - not even, or especially, any would or should be "professionals" who allege to be "working" "on behalf of" "WE The PEOPLE, at the expense of "WE The PEOPLE" - has any notion at all what the phrase "WE The People" stands for or means to any one or all of us


Not even one sentence, or one word of "help" to find any answer from any hopefully well-intentioned "public-minded" "defense" attorneys.


I knew this would be a "brain-stumper," to the vast "majority" of the multi-millions of persons of "WE The People" who are "governed" and "protected" by the "legal" World's inhumanly beastly system of things, but ...


Am I really that far backward in thinking or wanting or hoping to believe that the universal phrase "WE The PEOPLE" is The KEY element to the core values of "The Constitution" and "The Law"?


No wonder the World - as we know it - is doomed to be perpetually enslaved by "The System"; "WE The People" either don't have any clue or any care at all what "The System" is, how it "works," or how it doesn't "work" at all for "WE The PEOPLE".


So, what or why do "WE The PEOPLE" even have or need - much less want - paid, empowered "PUBLIC SERVANTS" for?


Certainly not for the "Health" of it, that's for sure.


"FREE The Prisoners from THE Prison"


Know The TRUTH.





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