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Nm Gov. Elect Susana Martinez; Repeal Mm Program

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Article was posted in July but SHE IS the Governor elect now and if the GOP has shown anything its their complete disdain for the sick and poor and their willingness to inflict further pain and suffering without a second thought.


Clearly this women hasn't a clue to the medicinal benefits of cannabis and the countless hundreds of thousands of sick people it helps each and everyday.


But that doesn't matter to today's politician who could give a rats arse about people its how far they can push their agenda or career or how much money they can stash away at the expense of human lives.


A line has been drawn in the sand by the right and we are facing a full frontal assault!





Republican candidate Susana Martinez told the Santa Fe Reporter she would try to end the program.


“I would work to repeal the state’s medical marijuana law,” a statement sent to SFR by Adam Deguire, Martinez’ campaign manager, reads. “It is against federal law to distribute marijuana and there are alternative medications that meet the medical needs of patients.”

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