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We Now Know Where They Stand


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Its a terrible interpretation of the MMMA of 2008 and these new bills step all over our civil rights we know that. It shows the true colors of the republican and certain democratic legislative members but it also gives us names, and puts a face, on the ones we need to work at replacing.


I've had the privilege to meet and get to know some of the most caring compassionate and driven individuals who like me, believe in cannabis as medicine with every fiber of our beings.


And we also believe our elected officials are ignoring the will of the people, and breaking the law in their attempts to usurp the states constitution. These policies and interpretations spit on the bill of rights with these over reaching policies that will certainly condemn some patients to death.


Ok..we've read the papers, vented, questioned, speculated and ranted, now its time to re-energize, and get back to work at saving our law and help provide a quality of life that patients deserve, and a way to help support families our caregivers deserve, as much as any other citizen of Michigan.


To survive the day is triumph enough for the walking wounded among the great many of us.

- Studs Terkel



We shall do more than just survive this day we will prevail in the end...

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