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I am fairly new here but have been a smoker for years, actually most people in my family smoke to help with the stress that occurs daily in our lives. I have not obatained a medical card due to me having no "legit" medical conditions, that would allow me to become a legal smoker.


I have always thought of marijuana of an enlightening plant. It lightens the mood of people who are generally angry, and allows one to open up to new ideas. I have been thinking about becoming a somewhat teacher of good helath, overall mind body and spirit. I have been introduced to the Hawtha Yoga through taking a local college course. I had usually bought videos to do my workouts but learning this ancient way of well being is absoultley enlightening. I was curious if there is anyone that has brought together marijuana and yoga? I have experienced many great things combining the two and would love to start somewhat of a group to practice these two methods together. Any thought would be great!


Heather O

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