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A Benefit For Michigan Society

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Okay, first get twelve 21-23yr old, unemployed City of Flint residents. Mix it up, black, white, brown and everyone in between. Teach the twelve, basic first aid, and fire fighting techniques. Have them all drug tested, CDL certified drivers. Also have them have some kind of legitimate medical condition that allows each to qualify for the Michigan Medical Marijuana.


So you have 12 people whom together they can transport 30 ounces at any time. There is also a loop hole that, as long as the medical cannabis has water content and is curing. You can theoretically have 1 million pounds, and still be legal under state law. Don’t let it dry out or let the feds know what you have.


So we now have twelve employed City of Flint residents’ base pay, minimum wage plus guaranteed commissions. Don’t worry there will be plenty of commissions! We stuff the rig full of top quality Genesee county medical cannabis, supplied through a fair system of distribution that lets all medical cannabis citizens share in the income.


The Truck then is dispatched to different Michigan communities. We bring along a temporary shelter tent purchased from the U.S. Military. 8 people with the temporary shelter set up in a parking lot with a great big sign, MEDICAL CANNABIS.


The other 4 people take the truck and go to the local volunteer or city fire department or city hall. Update training, use the command center to teach and use locally if there is a FIRE! Teach, use, teach, use, teach, use. IN CASE OF FIRE USE THE darn THING!


After the 8 people have generated $5,000 - $30,000 in sales, come back home and load for the next day.


You only have the job for one year and the age group is 21 to 23, no one else.


Spend money on programs to teach local politicians to stop wasting money and other important community needs.


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results.


Some people in the City of Flint and Genesse County are insane.


I want to live in a place where people want to make money and help people, not waste money for self greed.


Ronald D. Higgerson

City of Flint

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