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    Directly over the center of our Earth. Now.

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  1. Not so much a headbanger any more, but wanted to take the chance to spread the music of Cacophony. These guys blew my mind back then, and still do today. Cacophony - Marty Friedman (Megadeth) & Jason Becker (David Lee Roth). They were 18 when they recorded this. Jason Becker was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's Disease), he was 20 and had just recently joined David Lee Roth's band replacing Steve Vai who went on to Whitesnake. "Due to his illness, he eventually lost the ability to speak and now communicates with his eyes via a system developed by his father. Although his ALS gradually robbed him of his ability to play guitar, to walk, and eventually even to speak, he still remains mentally sharp and, with the aid of a computer, continues composing." In 1989 they gave him 3-5 years. 2011 and still colorful as always. Jason you continue to make me stronger.
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