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Why People Plead Guilty To Crimes They Didn't Commit

Michael Komorn


I came across a great piece by Lordina Youngcourt, an Indiana based Defense Attorney. She highlights the problems within the Criminal Justice, system and brings to light how the cards are stacked against defendants.

“Defendants don’t understand why this system that’s supposed to applaud honesty is telling him “if you want the deal, you have to lie.” So the whole plea system is very difficult [and] very ethically troublesome.”

I encourage you to read the entire piece found here. The challenges that the Department of Justice faces are great and many. We’ve heard Attorney General Eric Holder speak about reducing mandatory minimums, as well as Deputy Attorney General Eric Cole talk about how we must shrink our Prison population to keep our streets safe, but we ignore the problems that are inherent within the criminal justice system. We need to reform this system, and Lordina Youngcourt tells us why.


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