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Medical marijuana used to treat autism-related disorders

Michael Komorn


I can only imagine how difficult it is as a parent to have a child within the autism spectrum. I am friends with parents of autistic children and have met many others. These parents would move mountains for their children. They have taken every step possible to try to help alleviate their child's pain and suffering. They have tried every treatment that their doctors have suggested. Every single prescription the physicians can think of, even off-label uses of other prescriptions that have never been studied on children. Some of these prescriptions have serious side effects. All parents want to do is to be able to try medical marijuana for their kids. After all, marijuana is non toxic and there are no known deaths from it.

Many parents whose autistic children have other qualifying conditions are able to get medical marijuana for their children, and report that medical marijuana works wonders for aggressive behavior, self-injurious behavior and chronic irritability. Also reported is that the child is able to communicate better after medical marijuana treatment because of not being constantly distracted by every triggering event that sends them into a tizzy.

With the help of expert physician Dr Christian Bogner and researcher Joe Stone and The Michigan Medical Marijuana Association, a petition to add Autism to the Michigan Medical Marihuana Program was submitted in 2015. Although it was rejected twice, we are submitting it again. Other states have added Autism to their medical marijuana programs and we feel that this medicine is obviously less toxic than all other prescriptions that are currently prescribed to children. Simply as a choice that a parent and child can try medical marijuana to see if it helps them.




Overdose effects:

No death from overdose of marijuana has been reported.




Medical marijuana used to treat autism-related disorders
Michael Williams
9:56 PM, Feb 5, 2018
2:03 PM, Feb 6, 2018

PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — Abigail Dar’s son, Yuval, is 24-years-old, and she says he is severely autistic.

Mollie Ryckman Barrett’s youngest daughter, Sumer, is 13-years-old and has Asperger Syndrome. This is the story of two moms looking for answers to help their children.

"Medication helps, at times. Sumer, who is doing well in seventh grade, takes two of them," Barrett said. “One helps her focus with her brain and one relaxes her brain a little bit.”

Always, though, there is the nagging worry. “How safe really is the medication we are giving our children today?” asked Barrett.

Dar gave her autistic son higher and higher doses of pharmaceutical prescription medications for years in a bid to control his anxiety and aggressiveness.

Dar complained, “They just give medication hoping it will give an answer, which it doesn’t, and I get my kid crazier and crazier.”    

Amid that frustration, Dar had an alternative within reach. 

“Israel is much more liberal regarding medical cannabis,” Dar said.  

Dar spoke from her home outside Tel Aviv, Israel, where she is at the forefront of medical marijuana research. “I gave him (Yuval) his first dose and it was a miracle,” she remembered.   

The dose she talked about was a strain of medical cannabis she and her son’s psychiatrist settled on after trial and error. Yuval became calmer, less anxious, more attentive.

“It’s a game changer,” Abigail said, “it gave us quality of life.”

Barrett said she wants the same opportunity for her daughter, but their home in West Palm Beach, Florida is far removed from the access, and attitudes, available in Israel.

“We should have a right to decide in our home what is in the best interest of our children, what is the safest alternative option for them,” Barrett said. 

She said she hopes to someday use cannabis derived oils for Sumer, but her child’s doctor does not agree with the idea. “He just says,” Barrett recalled, “that he doesn’t feel it’s a safe option and she seems OK on her medicine and there really are no side effects.”

The American Academy of Pediatrics does not support medical marijuana use for autism-related disorders. One big issue, experts say, is the fact that there are many strains of cannabinoids in marijuana.

Dr. Norina Ocampo is a South Florida pediatrician. “The other issue is they think probably all these compounds work synergistically with each other to help, so how do you pick which one will be the right compound,” she said. 

Dar is working with Israeli doctors, pushing for much more extensive research on that prime question. “Today we have over 300 kids having access to medical cannabis,” she said. 


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Thank you for all that you do, this is great news as a parent of a non verbal autistic child im on the edge of my seat. It has taken all my self control to not try this already. I dont even know where to start when it comes to getting a minor child a med card.


Please keep this updated.


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Thank you for continuing the fight for Autistic children who need the benefits of medical marijuana. My son is severely Autistic and has severe self injurious behaviors so severe that they  have caused him serious injuries. Self injurious behavior should qualify my son. Drs offer my son anti psychodic medication with serious side effects especiall the long term effects which are potentially life threatening with no real proof that they will reduce self injurious behaviors. Don't stop fighting. 

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