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Government And Chronic Pain Medicines



The Government's involvement in medicine in general has created more health risks as often as not . The importance of access so that educated health consumers can acquire " pure " medications is of the utmost importance now for many Americans and more are realizing it everyday .


Having been a severe chronic pain patient for over 16 years who was fortunate to be able to draw off the knowledge of one other family member whom had also been in a similar situation for over 50 years I can tell you the Government has often destroyed the efficacy or discouraged use of medicines under the guise of stopping '"abuse " while profiting cronies involved , destroying patient benefit and even putting the abusers at risk of death if not non abusers whom also have to ingest the ingredients added to prevent more rapid ingestion by various means . .


The harm done to individuals by introducing the concept of substance abuse into medical treatment is horrendous and equal to or greater then the real dangers faced from any patients attempting to beneficially alter the chemical balances of their bodies willingly due to terrible suffering that they cannot tolerate . Though I am only in my 50's I have already outlived several of my friends who left this earth willingly due to their reality being more then they could stand . 1/7 severe chronic pain patients will choose to do the same sadly if they do not find comfort .and treatments can alter their mental states . Currently Doctors treating pain only measure physical pain but never the mental pain their medications and changes in hormones that severe pain can drain cause . Patients need to fight for the recording of both through treatments .


. I really do not think most people can grasp the reality that many individual's suffer without any hope of relief in mental or physical pain and have tried everything under the Sun before cannabis , pushing through tolerance , using imagery , visualization which still isn't enough . Cannabis really helps people and just maybe it is because it gets them high or helps them feel better . Watch the Government try to alter that next just like they do research with ground up stems seeds and leaf of low quality product a fraction of the strength of the non toxic cannabis patients now grow themselves .


When ever someone says Marinol is a adequate substitute for cannabis ask them why a person can die from the toxic effects of the synthetic( low incidence but higher then cannabis's 0 ) but nobody ever has from the natural herb . Ask them what about the other 250 known cannabinoids that exist in natural herbal cannabis ?


It is time we stopped allowing the Government to alter our medications because the truth is this is just another way prohibitionists are taking away freedom and personal choice from patients desperately fighting to survive with dignity and quality of life . Sadly ideals really no longer apply to those just struggling for another quality day , hour or few minutes here and there . Cultivating , Curing and using natural herbal cannabis helps many patients - non regulated it would be nearly free . Is Government helping here ? Happy Thanksgiving . .




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