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Mm Use In A Hospital Setting

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I am typing this from my hospital bed. My physicians have been extremely supportive of my usage of MM - they see first hand how beneficial it has been for me.


Has anyone had any experience in using MM while being in the hospital? Are there hospitals that have accommodated MM patients?

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Not heard of anyone using it in a hospital setting. I can't imagine them allowing any smoking of it, but I imagine there wouldn't be a problem edibles, tinctures, oils, etc. In fact, they wouldn't even need to know they were medicine if they weren't friendly to it.


Great and extremely relevant topic. Any patients with first hand experience instead of just my best guessing it?

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Sorry to hear you are in the hospital,


If your doctors have been supportive, talk to them. Let them know you feel you would benefit from some MMJ, RIGHT NOW. Try capsules or edibles, but let them know so they don't flip when your BP spikes or if you seem slightly out of it. It could interfer with whatever they are treating you with, so it is best that they know.

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