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Destroyed My Papers, Don't Have My Card Yet

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I ran my papers through the wash and unfortunately I don't have a copy of the green certified mail receipt from the MDCH. Even more unfortunately, the original receipt is ruined. Does anyone know how to get a new one? Is there a document that will stand in it's place?

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if you have the tracking number that was on the certified mail reciept you can type it up in the website and it will give you verification of mailing.


as for the rest of it call your dr and see if they can mail you a copy of your app

BALLLS!!! I don't think I do have the tracking number. Maybe I can go to UPS store and get it. I have may copies of the application but do not have a receipt or proof of payment. This option just may work.

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alright Mr. light you are the man. +reps for sure. you will event get a virtual high five if this will work for dispensaries.


I went to UPS store and they had my payment receipt with tracking number. I went to the website and got the information in the picture. I will print this off and keep it with my papers.

My new question is, will the information in the picture attached to this post be enough to allow access to dispensaries?

post-15132-090257700 1277225847_thumb.jpg

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What about your actual application to the State, do you still have copies of that?


A Disp will either require a card




SOME MAY ALLOW you in IF you have all of the papers

Application to the State (Dr's referral), Copy of both sides of the check cashed by

the State, proof of delivery and a copy of your drivers license or State ID card.


If you have lost the App signed by the Dr Id call and I really hope the Dr's office

can get you a copy as without that I think you are outta luck till the card comes.

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