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Helpful Links - Urine Testing & Stomach Meds

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A recent post about false positives for acid reflux & GERD meds got me doing some research. I found the following and thought I'd share. Maybe they will help someone that can't come clean ;)


Drug Testing 101 >> http://deltabravo.net/custody/drugtest.php


List of False Positives >> http://www.askdocweb.com/falsepositives.html


It appears some "proton pump inhibitors", namely Protonix, may cause false positives (YMMV).

Here's a list of PPI's >> http://www.drugs.com/drug-class/proton-pump-inhibitors.html


Here's an interesting article on false postives >> http://www.doctorspiller.com/local__anesthesia_7.htm


Lastly, don't forget. Hemp is good for you and the planet! You should be eating & utilizing it as much as possible. In our household we enjoy granola with hemp seed, hemp seed bread, hemp seed muffins, etc. Hemp seed oil is also useful. This having been said, here's an interesting read >> http://www.drugwar.com/news53.shtm


And then again your mileage may vary >> http://www.hempoil.ca/is-hemp-legal.ihtml http://www.bostonphoenix.com/boston/news_features/top/features/documents/02219274.htm

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