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Anybody Heard Of This?

Guest finallyfree09

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Guest finallyfree09



what is it? who are they? blah blah. just wondering if anybody can answer some questions.

i was told by the person that sent this to me that this would help those of us up north and give us access to "top notch meds" as it was stated to me.


it would be nice but i bet they want an arm and a leg for their meds. patients like me cant afford the high dollar stuff. wish people would start realizing that.


anybody know who this is? do they want big $ for meds or are they reasonable with their prices?

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Guest thequietone

From what I see they don't sell meds they sell hemp products. You buy the products to join and you can make money from the other people who join after you, sound familiar can anyone say Amway. They describe it as a straight line leg, but it sounds a lot like what Amway does IMHO.

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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

Use the "report.png Report " button on the lower left of the message. Allow us to see the user and his message. We'll hake care of it.


If you deleted it, we can't do much of anything. If you still have it, and allow moderators to look in we'll deal with the member using the PM system for his personal advertising campaign.



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Guest finallyfree09

From what I see they don't sell meds they sell hemp products. You buy the products to join and you can make money from the other people who join after you, sound familiar can anyone say Amway. They describe it as a straight line leg, but it sounds a lot like what Amway does IMHO.

that is what i saw too. but thats not what i was told. flagging it now.

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Guest finallyfree09

hey... i completely misquoted the quote! it actually says.... "you would have access to top grade and no problems with lack of supply."


my bad for the misquote guys

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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

All right this member has been warned. At this time, we can't really do much more then warn the member until we know this is an ongoing problem and the member is spamming a similar message to other members.


But thanks for using the report function. We now have this report on file, and any future solicitation can be matched up and be dealt with accordingly.



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Guest finallyfree09

i wasn't upset or anything. just curious. i didnt even know that wasn't allowed actually. it would be nice to know more about what that organization does though.

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Mr Kind, its kinda hard to spam someone in chat, thats what its for... chatting. The gentleman that received the information concerning the hempnetwork wasn't upset he just wanted to know what it was...until those who don't like or know anything about the hempnetwork said "push the report button" thats not what the gentleman was asking you guys...Please don't misrepresent the offer of help as spam, just because you as a grower feel threatened with the prospect of patients being able to get their meds cheaper and of higher quality than you can provide. Things will be changing very soon around Michigan and the country for that matter concerning MM, allowing patients to have choices instead of most patients getting screwed by the so-called caregiver. I have talked with caregivers and patients alike, patients love the idea of having options, caregiver( new growers) hate it because they feel like it takes money out of their pockets...Most growers are upset with the police for wanting to keep control of the MM and profit off the laws existing, while at the same time growers want to keep the patients dependent upon them and only them for their access to medication. Capitalism at its finest...Your talk of compassion is just a sales tactic(not all caregivers fit into this category). Of course there will be programs where the patient will have access to the higest grade of meds and able to sell them to make money just like the growers. But the growers hate to hear this, they would prefer the patients suffer or pay them 300 an oz, so they can make a living. In the Marijuana Inc program patients can make just as much or more money than the growers, depending on their social skills not their ability to buy a grow set up and charge retail. The patients are getting screwed and this program only helps them to have access with out depending on the new caregiver who's harvest had spider mites and now must wait or find another caregiver who promises the world, only to sell to the black market for profit what is supposed to belong to the patient.

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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

End game is corporate advertising is "pay to play" only. This site wasn't established as an advertising conduit for businesses to reach their target audience. It's for a community. If your a compassion Club sanctioned by the MMMA, you're allowed free ads for your meeting times when ever they may be. If your an individual caregiver, you're allowed one ad a month. If you want to advertise an "inc" site, when we open up advertising you're free to contact Joe and set up an account and pay for your ad and the ability to solicit through these forums. These ad sales comming soon, will help the MMMA fund it's various projects and defence funds, so you'll be free to contact Joe, then it's up to him whether you're site is allowed to post the ad.


Till then just don't advertise the site.


Personally I didn't read the site so I have no idea if it's a pyramid scheme. All I had to see is "A division of Medical Marijuana Inc." to know the advertising wasn't happening here.....yet.


Later Edit:

About Marijuana, Inc.Marijuana, Inc., a Colorado corporation, is one of the first and most prolific distributors in "The Hemp Network." The Hemp Network is a division of our sister company, MJNA. Marijuana, Inc. invites those that would like to capitalize on this fast growth industry to become a part of The Hemp Network by logging onto http://www.thehempnetwork.com using first name "Marijuana" last name "Inc" and phone # 239-xxx-x4x4. The company is also the first to develop "420" friendly resorts, through the acquisition of a new division. The company continues to market the world's most expensive coffee, like the one described in the movie with Morgan Freeman, "The Bucket List," this civet coffee will be available in the company's "420" resorts. Marijuana, Inc. has also entered into an agreement to acquire certain marketing rights for a clothing line from Medical Marijuana Inc and if the agreement is consummated, PCIO will issue shares to MJNA and/or its shareholders.


So yes they are a corporation and are not eligible for "free" advertisement. I might also add this company isn't part of the Better Business Bureau, but I have requested an inquiry by the agency into the business practices of MJNA and its subsidiary "The Hemp Network" so we can better protect our membership. If they check out fine, more power to them (plus this will also put them in the system so if others try and research the company the info will be available). Hope they buy an ad. But for now........

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