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Dispensory In Saginaw Or Bay City ?

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  • 6 months later...

two in bay city. one on henry by Jennie( herd its very price here) and one on salzburb by the middle ground. herd this one is much better in pricing, and MUCH less pushy. Id go to the salzburg one.


I heard over the weekend there is a Disp in Freeland, but nothing else other than hearing of it.

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Hey, I'm in bay city :) there is one on henry, but they have a bad track record. I refuse to go there.

I have been to the one on salzburg , it's ok, prices are hi, but all prices are high when u r looking at a dispensary. Best advice I can give is to learn to grow your own bro, lot cheaper. Plus you know what u r getting , not what so and so's cousins brothers neighbor said it is lol.

Good luck buddy :jig:

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