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Dr Andrew Weil Is On Our Side

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Every citizen of Michigan should know that one of the leading mainstream vitamin/health guru's, Dr. Andrew Weil, has come out in support of new cannabis therapies for cancer patients. Even the meanest of prohibitionists/ republicans must have a soft spot in their hearts somewhere when it comes to those suffering and dying from cancer - they should know it can happen to any of us at almost any time. I'll be buying the DVD and helping to spread it around to patient groups and media organizations. If they aren't with us then they are against us and too many people now realize the real reasons that cannabis was outlawed so long ago - pharmaceutical, energy, timber, food conglomerates (mostly controlled by "old-money" robber baron families) couldn't corner all the markets with marijuana legal - not to mention all the old-political racist bigots who have managed to keep lying to our children and the rest of us about marijuana.


Here is the link at the safe access now site:





Dr. Andrew Weil Applauds New Documentary Film “What if Cannabis Cured Cancer”

July 30th, 2010

Posted by Kris Hermes


A new documentary by Len Richmond, “What if Cannabis Cured Cancer,” is starting to turn heads. Dr. Andrew Weil recently reviewed Richmond’s film, calling it “excellent,” and last week answered a question about medical cannabis on his web site.


[E]xciting new research suggests that the cannabinoids found in marijuana may have a primary role in cancer treatment and prevention. A number of studies have shown that these compounds can inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animal models. In part, this is achieved by inhibiting angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels that tumors need in order to grow. What’s more, cannabinoids seem to kill tumor cells without affecting surrounding normal cells. If these findings hold true as research progresses, cannabinoids would demonstrate a huge advantage over conventional chemotherapy agents, which too often destroy normal cells as well as cancer cells.


Though not referenced in Dr. Weil’s answer, much of the recent investigation into inhibiting cancer growth using cannabis comes from Dr. Sean D. McAllister, of the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco and medical cannabis researcher Jahan Marcu, who is also on the Medical & Scientific Advisory Board of Americans for Safe Access (ASA).http://safeaccessnow.org/blog/?p=832

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  • 4 weeks later...

Every citizen of Michigan should know that one of the leading mainstream vitamin/health guru's, Dr. Andrew Weil, has come out in support of new cannabis therapies for cancer patients. Even the meanest of prohibitionists/ republicans must have a soft spot in their hearts somewhere when it comes to those suffering and dying from cancer - they should know it can happen to any of us at almost any time. I'll be buying the DVD and helping to spread it around to patient groups and media organizations. If they aren't with us then they are against us and too many people now realize the real reasons that cannabis was outlawed so long ago - pharmaceutical, energy, timber, food conglomerates (mostly controlled by "old-money" robber baron families) couldn't corner all the markets with marijuana legal - not to mention all the old-political racist bigots who have managed to keep lying to our children and the rest of us about marijuana.


Here is the link at the safe access now site:





Dr. Andrew Weil Applauds New Documentary Film “What if Cannabis Cured Cancer”

July 30th, 2010

Posted by Kris Hermes


A new documentary by Len Richmond, “What if Cannabis Cured Cancer,” is starting to turn heads. Dr. Andrew Weil recently reviewed Richmond’s film, calling it “excellent,” and last week answered a question about medical cannabis on his web site.


[E]xciting new research suggests that the cannabinoids found in marijuana may have a primary role in cancer treatment and prevention. A number of studies have shown that these compounds can inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animal models. In part, this is achieved by inhibiting angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels that tumors need in order to grow. What’s more, cannabinoids seem to kill tumor cells without affecting surrounding normal cells. If these findings hold true as research progresses, cannabinoids would demonstrate a huge advantage over conventional chemotherapy agents, which too often destroy normal cells as well as cancer cells.


Though not referenced in Dr. Weil’s answer, much of the recent investigation into inhibiting cancer growth using cannabis comes from Dr. Sean D. McAllister, of the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco and medical cannabis researcher Jahan Marcu, who is also on the Medical & Scientific Advisory Board of Americans for Safe Access (ASA).http://safeaccessnow.org/blog/?p=832



Flower, Great post.


But I really wouldn't count on that 'soft spot in the heart' of the 'prohabitionists group.


I personally don't believe it 'exists'.

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