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Gluten Free Medibles Interest?

Do you want a Gluten Free Medible option at your local dispensery?  

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A loved one that needs Medical Marihuana also cannot have wheat/barley/rye...most grains outside of oats rice and sorgum. She has a degenerative muscle disease and isn't much of a smoker.

I made a batch of certified gluten free brownies for her and she loved them.


For the people you know in your life with this same need, is there any interest in gluten free medibles at your local dispensery?

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A loved one that needs Medical Marihuana also cannot have wheat/barley/rye...most grains outside of oats rice and sorgum. She has a degenerative muscle disease and isn't much of a smoker.

I made a batch of certified gluten free brownies for her and she loved them.


For the people you know in your life with this same need, is there any interest in gluten free medibles at your local dispensery?


We sell out rather fast at our locations with our gluten free varieties of edibles. There definitely is a need.

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I think it is a great idea and there are alot in the community that have these needs as part of our illness. I for one may be on my way to haveing to go gluten free so bravo on thinking about it.


its really amazing the information coming up on gluten as an allergy. my GF told me that when she would feel ill (ie: glutened) the doctor would recommend eating a slice of bread to ease the stomach pain...funny. that's like saying drink more of the hemlock to ease the poison.


friend me up all that are interested and we'll talk about my recipies. i would like to get a community going for this and would be happy to help my mmj brothers and sisters

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