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Ferndale Medical Marijuana Ordinance Vote Tonight Aug. 23, 2010

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Ferndale City Council is voting this evening on adopting a medical marijuana ordinance that is hastily put together,and had no input from citizens, patients, or caregivers of Ferndale. The commission did however hear from the DEA and Police Chief with their recommendations. We are asking for Ferndale and neighboring communities to attend this evenings meeting. Ferndale residents voted for medical marijuana in 2005 and again in 2008. The progressive city of Ferndale needs a realistic and law abiding ordinance. A few of us this evening will address city council asking them to delay voting a ordinance that tramples on caregiver and patients rights. We need your support.


Meeting is at:


300 East 9 Mile Rd.

Ferndale, Mi.

Meeting starts at 7:30 however a gathering is being coordinated at 6:30pm in front of city hall.


No input, not complying with state law, no rights!

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I'll be there. Was hoping to head to the b-ham CC meeting and then to this as MM is last on the agenda tonight. Do you have confirmation that people are meeting at 6:30 tonight? I posted about this council meeting last week in this forum, and bumped it this week. Got 1 pm response and that was it. I thought people would be all over this and wanting to be there to voice their stance and show their support.

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I'll be there. Was hoping to head to the b-ham CC meeting and then to this as MM is last on the agenda tonight. Do you have confirmation that people are meeting at 6:30 tonight? I posted about this council meeting last week in this forum, and bumped it this week. Got 1 pm response and that was it. I thought people would be all over this and wanting to be there to voice their stance and show their support.

Guess the FERNDALE DISPENSARY is out on there own now. Oh well.

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In my opinion, the cities that offer opportunity are ours to loose, meaning we as a community that seeks to have the rights we have up held and enforced, need to make sure that we put our own personal "best foot forward" and make the cities / townships and communities that open the door for us and say "welcome" happy they did so and make the surrounding areas that frown upon us coming knocking on our door begging for our $.

Support those who support us.

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