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Bouchard Going To The Hall Of Shame?

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Hello Mr. Wolchek,


I am writing to you in hopes that you will do an investigative report on the recent medical marijuana dispensary raids perpetrated on innocent patients in Oakland County this previous week. See Oakland Press article: http://www.theoaklandpress.com/articles/2010/08/27/news/local_news/doc4c7884975fbca688890366.txt


The police said that these were not legal patients because they did not have their official plastic card yet. However, the State of Michigan deems paperwork legal documentation until the plastic card arrives from the state. Maybe you did not know this, but the state has been backed up (by about 4 months) on issuing the plastic card. Could you imagine going to your doctor and having them write you a prescription for pain relief AND THEN having to wait 4 months for your medication???? We'll neither could the State of Michigan and that's why they allow people with their paperwork to receive their medication while they wait the 4 months for their card to arrive. The police and Bouchard are spinning the story to make people believe that it was some "thugs" purchasing medication with no credentials at all and not bone fide patients waiting on their physical plastic card. Please dig a bit deeper and report the whole truth.



I fully believe that once you have completed a thorough investigation, you will determine that Bouchard and Brooks "DUI" Patterson are spinning this law and this latest "Raid" to cause paranoia and alarm to our Michigan citizens. Even though the people of Michigan have spoken at the ballot box (63%), these bozos think they can interpret the law to fit their liking.


I request that you put Bouchard in the Fox 2 Hall of Shame! Patterson has already Shamed himself enough...




Concerned in Royal Oak


Anyone else want to write Rob Wolchek Rob.Wolchek@FOXTV.COM

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