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Unitity Rally Oct 2Nd..


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i was having a thought about this rally.I know we go and we get bigger and we need to be bigger..So how do we go to use this site to get the attention we need? We need a cpl big people..bring big news..camera,s news people...Some one like snoop dog,Montel, ect..But some one..or a few..But we need to do this [people..send notes on face book,my space,twitter..what ever but we need every ones help here..This isnt just a braging forum about how big or good your neds are.. or how long you been doing this..This is also here for us al to help keep what we have to gather under one roof.To help each other in any way..To fight to KEEP what we have..So if you know some one that knows some one who is friends with some one..Dam it Strat calling..start asking if they can get them here for us.. for you. for him , for them...OK i am off here.. But start helping your self..and others team work is what works no matter what you are fighting for..Suck up all the dumb bunny muffin pass it to the guy to the right and lets fight...

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