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Veteran's Day

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This day couldn't have come at a better time. While our state resources are being used targeting medical marijuana patients and while the Federal Government spends $10 Billion a year fighting marijuana alone, there are those who are fighting for their lives. The DEA can make announcements threatening MMJ users, but will we ever hear the DEA say they just got Osama Bin Laden in a Afghani opium field? Nah. I love my country, but it is truly hard to fight just to clean up messes that our government leaves behind. Well I know many veterans use marijuana as I can tell you first hand it beats the hell out of morphine. So here's an article I found. http://www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2010/veterans-dept-allows-use-of.html


Next time people want to raid a person's home, remember that those individuals residing there have probably never pointed a gun at another American's head and family.

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