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Drug Agents Urge Opposition To Medical Marijuana Bill


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Here's a bit of "The Scoop," as told by writer, Matt Brennan, for the readers of The Beacon News (thanks, for the noteworthy heads-up, Matt & BN!) and now the co-readers of the forums of the 3MA:


“I think most people have this impression that medical marijuana is for people who are dying. That couldn’t be further from the truth,” said Chris Endress, director of the Quad City Metropolitan Enforcement Group. His agency serves Rock Island in western Illinois and Scott County, Iowa.


Endress gave the presentation with Bill Backus, director of the North Central Narcotics Task Force, which covers Kane, DeKalb and Kendall counties.


The typical medical marijuana user is not old and dying, Endress said. Rather, they are young males. They need a card issued by a doctor to be able to use marijuana, and there are doctors known for issuing cards to anyone who comes into their office, Endress said."




"Endress and Backus are speaking up on the medical marijuana issue in anticipation of a possible vote on the bill in the Illinois House as early as January. The state Senate already has passed the bill.


Under the proposed bill, caregivers would grow the marijuana. The caregivers would be allowed to grow a significantly larger amount of marijuana per patient than the patients are allowed to smoke, Backus said. This leaves the caregivers with an excess amount of marijuana.


It would be difficult to regulate the growth of medical marijuana and who is allowed to smoke it, the drug agents said. If a tenant walked up to a landlord and said they intended to grow marijuana in their building, the landlord could not refuse to rent on that basis, Backus said. And employers would not be able to take action against a patient who tested positive for the drug, Endress said.


Endress and Backus suggested waiting for a non-intoxicating, FDA-approved drug derived from marijuana. There is one in Europe that is used for the same types of purposes as medical marijuana called Sativex, which is a cannabis extract liquid spray.


“People who have MS or muscle spasms, this provides relief,” Endress said.


Backus suggested contacting local legislators. He also said local mayors and police chiefs should be urged to stand up against the bill.


If the law passes, it would allow the criminal element back into local communities, Backus said."


Here's the rest of the article:




All I can say is: "Oh, brother ...BIG 'BROTHER'!"


Please, HELP to End Their Hatred; Stop THEIR Violence; And, TERMINATE THEIR WAR Against "WE The [loving, compassionate] People" of Michigan / America and the rest of THEIR VICTIMS that are DAILY ABUSED & OPPRESSED and IMPRISONED (all for greed of filthy lucre and blood-war-stocks and bonds and other death-dealinmg, ill-gotten gains) ALL OVER THE WORLD!


FREE The Prisoners from THEIR Prisons.



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"Endress and Backus suggested waiting for a non-intoxicating, FDA-approved drug derived from marijuana. There is one in Europe that is used for the same types of purposes as medical marijuana called Sativex, which is a cannabis extract liquid spray.


“People who have MS or muscle spasms, this provides relief,” Endress said."




Oh, really?!


I have a close friend who suffers from MS who doesn't support that philosophy - at all!


I wonder where and by whom was "Dr." Endress and "Prof." Backus indoctrinated with that misinformation?





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