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New To Mmj

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New to MMJ and the forums!

I am going to see my usual family practitioner this week. I have Fibromyalgia (along with nausea, depression, anxiety, and celiac disease) but have never gone to the doctor about it. I just started getting all of this joint pain a few months ago. It was on and off, but now it hurts everyday. (My mom and grandmother both have fibromyalgia, and I have ALL the symptoms so I'm almost positive I have it.) I am a minor, but my mom would be OK with natural meds because she was on the drug Lyrica before for my condition but hated it....so that's not an issue. I am absolutely against prescription drugs and what they do to your body.

I was just wondering what the process is for acquiring a patient card, and finding a caregiver. I have looked all over but cannot find a detailed answer.

What do I need to say to my family doctor? What are the next steps? How do I find a caregiver - how does that work?

I am on medicaid, my mom has a very low income, and my dad is not in the picure. I would like a caregiver that had lower prices..

I live between Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids.


Thanks in advance.

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It will be great if you are able to convince your own doctor to sign the necessary recommendation for you to become a patient. The approach I would take is that you don't want the pharmies because of what they will do to your body with prolonged use. Ask the doctor what he/she thinks of using alternative medicines, if the response is negative then you will have to use one of the medical marijuana clinics. As a minor you will also have to have the signatures from TWO doctors, from different practices. In order to be seen by one of the clinics you must have a qualifying condition, certified by records from three different visits to your regular doctor.


I would suggest that you read the MMMAct, available on line at the State of Michigan Dept. of Community Health. It will give you a good idea of how it works for a minor.


As for finding a caregiver, the law states that your parent/gaurdian has to procure your cannabis for you. They can either get it from a caregiver or they can grow your medicine for you. That is the only way you can acquire your meds...


Hope all goes well for you...Peace...j.b.

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