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American Medical Association Returns To Original Position On Marijuana

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American Medical Association Wants to Use Medicine Not Approved in Over 70 Years.

November 17, 2010 by Hoam Rogh




We at Marijuana Prohibition Is Unconstitutional (MPIU) woud be remiss if we failed to point out the recent reversal the AMA made in regards to marijuana. Once again, according to the AMA, cannabis has medical benefits.


The AMA goes way, way back to 1937


Not very many things in the medical field have ever comeback after being dismissed for over seven decades. I don’t expect phrenology to make a comeback, or bloodletting, or even lobotomies.


This is probably the first -and last- time any substance will come back into favor after being absent for so long. The award goes to none other than a common herb.


Once upon a time, doctors routinely prescribed “Cannabis Indica” to patients suffering from a wide range of maladies. By 1937, medical cannabis had been rebranded by the government as marihuana.

the AMA told congress, at great length, that marijuana is not a drug. Here is the BEST remark made in its testimony to congress in 1937.


Dr. Woodward: “There is nothing in the medicinal use of Cannabis that has any relation to Cannabis addiction. I use the word “Cannabis” in preference to the word “marihuana”, because Cannabis is the correct term for describing the plant and its products. The term “marihuana” is a mongrel word that has crept into this country over the Mexican border and has no general meaning, except as it relates to the use of Cannabis preparations for smoking. It is not recognized in medicine, and I might say that it is hardly recognized even in the Treasury Department.”


Dr. Woodward was the legal counsel to the American Medical Association at the time the first federal law banning marijuana was written. He cooperated in the creation of the Harrison Narcotics Act.


Later when the Feds starting putting the AMA’s stamp of approval on their marijuana propaganda, Dr. Woodward testified to Congress to point out that the AMA did not support the ban, that marijuana was not a drug, and that no addiction problem existed according to all their medical data.


Why did the American Medical Association reverse its position seventy years ago? Not because of science, but because they were being arrested. According to Jack Herer’s research over 3000 doctors were arrested after the Marihuana Tax Stamp Act was passed in 1937.


What will the AMA reverse on next? I got my fingers crossed for phrenology, but I do have the sloping brow of a simpleton.



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