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Standing Up

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'We The People" Three of the most powerful words in the English language.


Here we are its 2011 the second decade of the twenty first century our countries two hundred and thirty fifth birthday dozens of war's have been fought and millions of American soldiers have died and yet we are no more free than when the English Empire ruled over us before the revolution.


This observation is made strictly based on the actions of government at the local and national levels consistent mistreatment of citizens by ignoring the wishes made apparent at the ballot box. They preach freedom and our civic duty to cast our vote and exercise that right to vote paid for by the blood of US soldiers who gave their lives defending that right.


And when we do cast our ballot and a law we want is enacted soon after its attacked, raped of its meaning or ignored completely by those very same persons who expressed how proud they are to be an American and live in a country where the peoples voice is heard and their wish is our command.


In the real world we know that no matter what the law says its protections are no match for the political machine that chews up and destroys anything or anyone it wants to at anytime for...that's where I get stuck why? Why do they time after time ignore the peoples wishes and do want they want to with no remorse. No matter how despicable their actions are or who it hurts they just plod ahead stepping on the Constitution and walking on the graves of American patriots as they go.


Why has to change to no more! No more will our demands made at the ballot box be ignored, denied, or trampled on. No more will our laws be arbitrarily interpreted to fit their agendas.


We're at our sputnik moment.

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