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The people who are attacking our law and want to take away our right to it should visit a rehab center or a mental institution and witness someone who suffers from an opiate induced psychosis and then tell me marijuana is worse than vicodin or Oxycontin. I witnessed my friend restrained to his bed with handcuffs and leg straps and sedated to the point of drooling and needing an adult diaper.


A long time family friend is hospitalized after suffering a break down brought on by his pain pills because he'd would of been fired for using MM even thou he's a QP due to sports injuries from college. His wife said he has wanted off the pills for a few years and after our law was passed they both thought this was the break he was looking for until people starting getting fired.


Good guy, family man, but because of the malicious misguided malcontents who are some holy than thou crusade he couldn't risk losing his job so he kept taking his pills and they took over his soul. He has no mental health coverage in his insurance from work (imagine that) but his employer is holding his job but just for ninety-days.


They have no idea the repercussions messing with our law causes and they really don't care.


They've made their feelings about us very clear in every condesending manner they can find and they even throw mud at us in the press. You really are a low life scum bag to talk sh1t about a disabled person or worse someone who is dieing. You call us drug dealers who lie to get our Dr recommendation and we're really part of the black market in marijuana trafficking.


Our law will prevail in the end and so will our rights.

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