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For The Folks Of Detroit


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Detroit, MI


The Bad: Detroit has been ravaged by the auto-industry crisis, with unemployment still above 10 percent and home prices continuing to fall.


The Good: The silver lining of it all is that depressed real estate prices and an eager work force has made Detroit attractive to businesses – even compared to emerging markets. Not only is the mayor out hustling to attract business but one CEO is looking to make the city a high-tech corridor like Silicon Valley with the tagline, “ Outsource jobs to Detroit.


The Recovery: “Urban pioneers are taking advantage of its low costs to launch their dream,” Bert Sperling of BestPlaces.net said of Detroit. “Like many older cities, Detroit has great 'bones' that will be a springboard for its recovery.”



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Not sure how many watched the Detroit 2020 special last night with Mayor Bing and snyder. Lots of political dancing very few solid ideas put forth other than ones already mentioned.


For Detroit to even start a rebound crime is the number one priority that needs to be addressed and vigorously at that.Not the storm trooper actions of the old *STRESS units but putting cops in the neighborhoods walking a beat not just driving around.


Being encapsulated in their cruisers I don't see how they get a feel for the people of the neighborhood they patrol sure can't hear someone call for help.


This goes for all cities put cops back on the foot beat and you have to have social safety net programs to help in the reduction of crimes. With police on the beat they get to know the neighborhood and its people and it will also help cops to start treating people as people when they meet them, instead of automatically assuming the person is a criminal.


The casino areas have a whole lot of police around them as does the new center areas but get out into the neighborhoods and some residents will tell you they haven't seen a police car patrol their streets in months if not years.


Safe neighborhoods and streets are as important to national security as safe boarders and we are failing at them both.


Set about doing good to somebody. Put on your hat and go and visit the sick and poor of your neighborhood; inquire into their circumstances and minister to their wants. Seek out the desolate and afflicted and oppressed ... I have often tried this method, and have always found it the best medicine for a heavy heart.

- Anonymous




*STRESS = Stop The Robberies Enjoy Safe Streets



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Very Good Points...but..there is too Many Corrupt Porkies next thing you know the cops will be on the corner in Avg Clothes Slangin White.


Detroit is already PAYING people to move out so they can start tearing down building...but on top of that The City is taxing the be-jeebus out of everyone on general things like water and elec....Trash pickup in ( Some areas) is every 3 weeks....Its a mess the only way i see the D gettin some recognition back is the Level the outer burbs...and start from scratch...just my 2 cents

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