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Medical Cannabis Can Be Used Responsibly

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I have recently had an intense surgical procedure involving cervical spine, I am not saying the docs name or hospital, but what I will share is this. The cannabis I used combined with narcotics in a tit-rate manner has caused me phenomenal results and allow me an appetite which has been critical in healing. I say this to stress one point, Marijuana has far too many industrial,medical and bio-fuel uses and is very sustainable, too allow propaganda and politics as well as ignorance keeping it from saving this great nation. We are smart as individuals but some how loose that gift in mass. God Bless.... Peace!

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I agree. I mean on this site we focus on medical

effects but hemp has so many uses as wel. I

was watching some film the other day showing a car body Henry ford built. It was made of a plastic entirely composed of hemp. The engineers were beating it with baseball bats and it wouldn't dent. More durable than steel and lighter. What a farse the ban on industrial hemp is.


The people Must take control. That is the only way will see change.

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Guest Medicinal Patient

Thats good you have found a way to manage your pain. Hope the surgery was a success. Will you be well enough to attend the rally in 2 full weeks from now? Been wonderin

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