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Whereas, The Rights And Liberties Of The Citizens Of The Free State Of Michigan Have Been Trampled Under Foot And Sacrificed To The Tyranny Of ...

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So, how much have things REALLY "changed," here in the Great Lakes' State(s) of an allegedly civilized, twenty-first century era, since "The STATE of Michigan" was accepted/adopted into "The [not so 'Non-European'] Union" in AD 1837? (that is, roughly - and, I do mean roughly - during the dogdays of the wide-spread, socially-homicidal, mass-genecidal decimation of countless lives, families and communities of aboriginal peoples of pre "European Contact" [conquest] North America?


Well, let's just let "The PEOPLE" of "Modern Day" North America be "The JUDGE" of THAT, SHALL (as legally opposed to "MAY") we?


A blast from the past ...


Or, really, not a whole heck of a lot different than the brutal way some things are in the credit-for-debt-scamming world of TODAY.


Whenever I am faced with the mind-numbing reality of "legislation" of proclamations like this, I can't help but get up and get out into the Worldly World to do and say whatever I can, as we all must whenever we are able, to help us all to shine the Healing Light of Truth on all the dark-minded tyrannists daily doing their personal worst they possibly can to rule over "We The Anti-Sheople" living and loving and sharing and caring - in spite of all the egalitarians drooling for nothing less than to "lead" and "reign" over all the lives of all the otherwise peaceful, happy and FREE-LIVING SOULS now residing [against all bureaucratic odds] here in "The Land of Oligarchia".


At first, I was thinking of literally/figuratively replacing the blindingly Black and White checkered term "colored citizens," as forthwith proclaimed in the following articles of should-be archaic legislation, with "The Other Slang Term," "Medical Marihuana User" (aka "HERBALISTS," to those of us seeking to live in the real "FREE" universe), but, then I considered the faithful hope of the matter that, we all have "eyes to see," and "ears to hear"; And, even "the blind will see" The Light through the darkness; especially when knowing, as we can all see, once we care to notice, The Truth is so much more brightly illuminated by all the darkness in "The World" today.


Please, forgive my frankness, when I (truly regretfully, and openly abashedly) must say that I was "brought-up" in a very small, so-called "CLOSE-KNIT COMMUNITY" of designated "Nationalities", where the local candy store "made a killing" off of "Dime-Store" candies called "N*GG*R BABIES," and local taverns proudly displayed "patronage" signs that said things like "No 'Indians' Allowed"!


(And, that, sadly, is the soul-be-damned, [take it back! Knock on Wood!] "Gawdawful Truth"!)


"Growing-up" around here, the only first things a child was ever asked, as largly opposed to normally only BEING TOLD, by any "elder" member of "the community," was the not so innocent question: "What 'NATIONALITY' are YOU?"!


(Can't you just hear Pink Floyd singing in the Soundtrack, "Who let all of this 'riff-raff' into the room?!)


Yup, learning "Local History" in mid twentieth century, smalltown, Upper Michigan / USA was the standardized indoctrination of [not at all voluntarily] "being taught" to regurgitate the manipulated squabbles of the social class/labor fights and plights and class divisions of the harried and varied, government-puppeteered wars of the British and French, the Cornish and Irish, Protestant/Catholic, Swedes and Finns, Germans and Americans ... Whites and Blacks ... Yellows and Reds ... Redcoats and Bluecoats ... Union Blues and Confederate Grays ... Democrats and Republicans ... and on and on and on ...


I think "IT" all began, for me, in my earliest, "formative" years in life, "authoritively" being forced (so waaay against my quickly snuffed-out, budding will) to get up against the cold hard bricks of "the wall," in that dreaded, ancient "Shirts and Skins" conflict/division/divide and conquer game of "dodgeball" (aka "bombardment").


Of course, that was a bit before young indoctrinees "'earned' the 'right'" to be engarbed with a "UNIform," secret hand signals, and subordinative salutes to the "upper class" members of power-instilled and badge-bedangled "superiors".


Nothing more or less than a pre ROTC form of Grade School/Military Training [Playground style] wargames.


(Don't GET ME STARTED! OOPS! Looks like it's TOO Little TOO LATE, eh? - H*LL NO! It's NEVER "Too Late" to ADVOCATE!)


I mean, WTF, PEOPLE!!!!?


Are we really STILL asking those same OLD QUESTIONS?!




(Pun Intended!)





THE NORTH STAR, December 29, 1848


Public Meeting of the Colored Citizens of Detroit

A mass meeting of the Colored Citizens of the city of Detroit convened at the City Hall on the 7th inst. for the purpose of the discussing their relations to American Slavery. The house being called to order, on motion, George D. Baptist was called to the chair, and Benj. F. Dade appointed secretary, M.J. Lightfoot, Jas. Maten and Rich'd Gordon, Vice-presidents. The Chairman then in a few remarks made known the object of the meeting, after which, by request, Mr. H. Bibb sung a liberty song. A committee of three was then appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the objects of the meeting; Wm. Lambert , Henry Bibb and Ed. J. Cooper were appointed. After a brief absence the committee returned and through their chairman presented the following preamble and resolutions:


Whereas, The rights and liberties of the citizens of the free state of Michigan have been trampled under foot and sacrificed to the tyranny of southern slaveholders by the unrighteous decision rendered in the late suit brought by Giltner, Troutman & Co. of Kentucky, against Comstock, Gorham and others, of Michigan;


And Whereas, in our opinion the said decision has deprived us of all protection and security in our lives, our liberties and in the pursuit of happiness; for truly it may now be said of us that the birds have nests, and the foxes have holes, but the colored American hath not where to lay his head in peace - no, not even upon the soil that gave him birth. Heaven knows we have difficulties enough to encounter in this boasted land of liberty, religion, and bibles, without being hunted down like the beasts of the forest.


And Whereas, many of us have worn the galling chains of slavery, and have been hunted down and carried back, and passed through the fiery ordeal, and we know by sad experience its withering effects upon both body and mind, and its damning influence on the soul, we therefore cannot nor ever will believe that man has a right to hold his fellow man as property; therefore,


Resolved, That we hold our liberty dearer than we do our lives, and we will organize and prepare ourselves with the determination, live or die, sink or swim, we will never be taken back into slavery.


Resolved, That we will never voluntarily separate ourselves from the slave population in the country, for they are our fathers and mothers, and sisters and our brothers, their interest is our interest, their wrongs and their sufferings are ours, the injuries inflicted on them are alike inflicted on us; therefore it is our duty to aid and assist them in their attempts to regain their liberty.


Resolved, That as it is our earnest desire to be a peaceable and sober portion of the community, we will always abide by the constitution and laws of this and all other states which recognize no slavery within their borders, for we are not slaves but human beings, and never will submit tamely to be converted into goods and chattels.


Resolved, That this meeting appoint a committee to draft a petition to Congress praying for the repeal of the law of 1793, relative to the recapture of fugitive slaves.


After the reading of the foregoing preamble and resolutions, Mr. Wm. Lambert took the floor and supported them in a brief speech with much force and eloquence. Mr. Henry Bibb next came forward and was formally introduced to the audience by the chairman. Mr. B. spoke at length on the many topics which are now agitating the American continent; he spoke in detail of the wrongs of a large portion of the American people, of the horrors of slavery, of the late slave case and its unjust decision. Mr. B. closed by calling on the colored people of this city and state to prepare themselves with the means of self defence, for said he, ye are property in the eye of the laws of this free nation, equalized with the horse and the ox, and being held in this light by the manstealers of the south and liable to be seized as such at any moment by himself or his agents, all protection that is left you is that which nature has bestowed; therefore, as you have no other means, you must protect yourselves by whatever means you possess. Several other gentlemen addressed the meeting, among whom were Messrs. Richard Gordon and James Maten.


On motion, a committee of five was appointed to draft a petition to congress in accordance with the fifth resolution, consisting of the following gentlemen. Messrs. Wm. Lambert, Henry Bibb, Benj. F. Dade, Alfred Derrick and Rich'd Gordon.


After a vote of thanks to the city authorities for the use of the room, &c., the meeting adjourned.




All papers friendly to impartial freedom will please copy.


Here's the link to the original, available from Michigan State archives:






And, regardless of how much of this is the "real story" behind "the framing" of "The State" of Michigan, here's a link to some of the rest of the taintedly colorful saga of Michigan's History":






I once heard someone exclaim: "We're all just crayons of a "different" color";


Well, THAT sure makes sense to me!


Think Outside the Box!


Reminds me of the lyrics to that ol' [classic] U2 song: "When all of the colors bleed into one .. . bleed into one ...


Well, STOP The BLEEDING, "already," eh?!



(Thanks, and a tip ' the cap, to Francesco2012 and U2!)


Never heard this next jam before now, but, I sure can appreciate the lyrics, and "the thought that counts" ... so I thought I'd post it here ... for the raging/potential "Head-Banger" in all of us.(Thanks be legitimately due to ThatGuyTy and The Empire Strikes Back! Much Obliged.)




I guess, I'm not all THAT deaf ... after all!


Then again ......


: \


CANNABIS Cures! (Without Fears)



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freemannabis, as we all know, they, (govt) needs an enemy, one they're sure won't fight back, cannot fight back. They stole the black people from their land and put them to work on the land stolen from its First Peoples, our Native Americans, who fought valiantly to hold onto the land they were given to take care of. "The land does not belong to us, we belong to it," I've read and heard them say. I have a song by a Native man called "Stolen Land." it really says it all. Those who cry "savage" at those who dare to defend "their" land, are the REAL SAVAGES. And so it continues...In a history class I took in college, I saw a video of how they sprayed the black people with water in the 60's, I think it was during a civil rights protest. Even the children were watered down. I watched in horror, shock, and anger. It broke my heart. I've heard and read about more abuse than I could ever imagine. WHY does it keep happening? If I answer that, this message will be much longer. We know the answer, anyway, we're being subjected to the same kind of tyranny. Cowardly bullies picking on the easiest targets. BUT they didn't count on any of them or us FIGHTING BACK. Our First Nations People fought back, too. Did they win? They weren't completely wiped out, that counts for something, right? But look at what was done to this beautiful land. There are laws made just for them, very discriminatory laws, just like we're getting, laws specifically designed to prohibit a particular group of people, including regarding religious ceremonial rights. There are other groups of "earth religion" based people who are being persecuted also.. Did the civil rights fighters win? Did the medical cannabis people win? I think the short answer is, we/they haven't totally won or totally lost- YET.


In a song about disabled people fighting for rights, it says "something unforeseen is going on, we the so-called weak are growing strong, and crying out for what we know is right, accused because we have the guts to fight!"


Those who divide and conquer are still destroying lives, now it's the medical cannabis patients and caregivers. These overlords cannot exist without an enemy- can't have healthy, happy people, they won't buy the medicines (poisons), they won't fight the wars, do their labor, believe their lies. I wish I were capable of defending myself. Treaties, laws, the oppressors never intended to honor ANY of them. They have no shame, no honor, NO RESPECT. Their greed and lust for power drives them, and drives them insane, blinds them, strips them of any pride, dignity and self worth they may've once had. It's about time these abusers BE STOPPED.


Sincerely, Sb :(

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