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Got Bail Money Returned


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Few months ago I got pulled over and charged with OWI, DWOL, and no plate. Long story short, in the past few days my Grandma got her bail money back. I haven't heard anything from the courts about the incident, not one letter/call -- nothing, and they have valid phone numbers and addresses for me, as I keep getting notices about past due for jail stays years ago.


Now, anyone know what this could mean? Would the case have been dismissed, or could the court have revoked my bond? Would they have had to let me know? I don't want to be walking to the grocery store and "we thought" you were someone else, have my name ran, and hauled in on a warrant I didn't know I had. I'd rather go turn myself in and get this over with.


I just found out about it last night, and my mind's been running wild with what it "could" mean. I know no one knows for sure, just hope someone can help ease my concerns.

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Try calling and see if they have a bench warrent on you.




The only way to find that out is to walk into a station and ask, and if you do they detain you. They don't give that information out over the phone becasue A) they have no way to verify that its actually you, B) they don't want to say yes and let you take off before they come to get you. I have a 4 year old son, and any time you fall behind on child support Macomb County will come get you and bend you over, its all about the money for them. Anyways, as it was said before the only time I've ever gotten my bond back was after my court issues were resolved, I've never had it mailed back before the situation was taken care of. Do you have an attourney you use? If so that be a good phone call to make, if not you could be ballsy and when you have some time off walk into your friendly neighborhood police station and ask, thats the only sure fire way to know whats really going on


Good luck my friend

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ACTUALLY I was in a similar position of NOT KNOWING when or if they were coming back w/ a warrant.... The police WILL NOT tell you if you have a warrant out, as stated above. BUTTTTT you can get that info from a bail bondsman, They can tell you just like LEO could but they don't a bondsman can tell you if theres a warrant for you...


I to am waiting for my property to be returned, I'm just to freaking nervous to walk into a cop shop and ask for my MM back.... I was in court for a year, and my case was dismissed to me in my eyes, I should get EVERYTHING BACK.... guess we will wait and see how it all plays out..


Good luck to you....


Trix :bong2:

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The people get there bail money back after the court stuff is done. If it was your $ they would have put it to fines and costs. Thats how it went with my dui but that was ten years ago


did ya go thru court for it yet?

Same thing here, I've posted bonds before and they've been held till post-trial and applied towards court costs, dean fee's, whatever. I haven't seen a courtroom except for arraignment, haven't talked to an attorney, nothing ... I don't have the balls to go walk into a police station today though either.

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Same thing here, I've posted bonds before and they've been held till post-trial and applied towards court costs, dean fee's, whatever. I haven't seen a courtroom except for arraignment, haven't talked to an attorney, nothing ... I don't have the balls to go walk into a police station today though either.

Go to the Clerks office and look at your file that would where you stand court wise.

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