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Bo Compares Himself To Mlk?


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Obama Compares Himself to Martin Luther King

by KEITH KOFFLER on AUGUST 13, 2011, 1:58 PM

At least it wasn’t Jesus.


At a small, exclusive New York City fundraiser Thursday night featuring the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow and movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, Obama compared himself and his agenda to that of Martin Luther King Jr.


And now that King has his own memorial on the Mall I think that we forget when he was alive there was nobody who was more vilified, nobody who was more controversial, nobody who was more despairing at times. There was a decade that followed the great successes of Birmingham and Selma in which he was just struggling, fighting the good fight, and scorned, and many folks angry. But what he understood, what kept him going, was that the arc of moral universe is long but it bends towards justice. But it doesn’t bend on its own. It bends because all of us are putting our hand on the arc and we are bending it in that direction. And it takes time. And it’s hard work. And there are frustrations.


Mr. Obama, I knew Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King was a friend of mine . . .


H/T to Granny Jan who videoblogs at Granny Jan and Jihad Kitty and to Upstate Political Report


he is nothing like MLK besides MLK was a repub.

RevKing never once called his many opponents “enemies” or called for their punishment, he never ridiculed anyone to further himself, but instead, prayed for a day when all would be judged by their character, not the color of their skin.

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