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U.s. Senate Candidate Pete Hoekstra On Medical Marijuana


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Michigan legalization activist Tim Beck had some fun recently with U.S. Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra at a meeting of the Grosse Pointe Eastside Republican Club when he posed the question to the candidate: “Would you be willing to support Congress rescheduling marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act from Schedule 1 to a different level?”


Hoekstra: “Um, I just can’t tell you. I don’t know the answer to that.”


At that point, Beck reports, “A man in the audience … stood up and declared in a loud voice: ‘What’s your problem, Hoekstra? Why won’t you answer the man’s question? My brother almost died [from] prostate cancer and medical marijuana saved his life… How dare you say this is not medicine.’ He refused to shut up when urged by the moderator and a melee came close to breaking out.”


From this article by John Sinclair.

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