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Sangrita Fruit Salad With Cannabis Syrup Recipe

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Sangrita Fruit Salad With Cannabis Syrup Recipe



TIP: Wear gloves when working with chili peppers to avoid contact with the volatile oils that can burn your skin.


4 cups bite-size pieces of mixed fresh fruit (mango, papaya, strawberries and pineapple)


1 fresh jalapeño chili pepper, stemmed, seeded and finely minced


1 lime


2 tablespoons honey


1 tablespoon Cannabis Simple Syrup (1)


1 tablespoon orange juice


3 tablespoon sugar


1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon


In a large bowl, combine fruit and chili pepper. Finely shred the peel from the lime and juice the lime. In a small bowl stir together lime juice, lime peel, honey, Cannabis Simple Syrup (1), orange juice and a pinch of salt. Toss with fruit mixture. Cover and chill for 30 minutes.




In a large pot add stems, stalks, fan leafs, etc, then add cold water just enough to cover the above mentioned ingredients. Then add table sugar to desired sweetness. Bring to a boil gradually over 45min-1hr starting on low and increasing burner flame every 10-15min... Once the 45min-1hr passes bring to a boil and allow to boil for another 45min-1hr. After the 45min-1hr is done remove from heat then take a potato masher and begin to mash the leafs, stems, etc. Then filter the MMJ SIMPLE SYRUP thru a strainer n to a clean pot, then filter again thru cheese cloth n to a pot...Store in fridge n clean bottles and label. Use to sweeten ice tea, kool aid, etc to taste....ENJOY !!!!!



Published with special permission from Culture



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Yum. Sounds delicious and healthy too.


One question about the syrup though. Wouldn't you need a fat, oil or alcohol base to extract the active compounds?


I'm big into edibles and always looking for new recipes. I like hot stuff, good for pain relief, so I'm gonna make the salad with habaneros and maybe use some cannabis extracted olive oil for dressing, if I still have some.


Thanks for the salad. Appreciated.



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