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Some Congress Want Legalization

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I emailed Candice Miller ( My rep )

Her reply was the same old song and dance. Gotta keep the children safe. That would send the wrong message.

Is something that is regulated safer ?

Or is unregulated safer?

Duh...the Unregulated drug dealers Are Safer than your local party store according to her logic.

She lost my vote...

I tried and She Failed...


Who have you contacted about this bill?

What was their response?

Post it here.

Edited by ilynnboy
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Gotta keep the children safe? Huh? What about the people that get trashed drinking and drive? In my county there just was a head on crash from a ticking time bomb of a drunk. I personally have NEVER heard of someone using marijuana and being so under the influence they did a head on crash.


Politicians don't want to lose their jobs by being on our side, even if they are. Sad...

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