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Trying To Get Mm Card To Use For Son With Cancer

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I'm looking for advice on getting a MM card to help my almost 17 yr old with cancer.  I have loads of documentable evidence to support his dx. He's had 2 more reoccurances (in the lungs) and it's looking hopeless to cure him with the standard protocol of chemo/surgery.  I've called a couple places who say they don't "do" minors.  I'm desparate to get this going but I don't know what else to do. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?  We live near Ann Arbor, if that helps.



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Thank you Dr. Bob.  His "normal" primary is a pediatrician that I don't think will sign.  The primary for his osteosarcoma is (obviously) an oncologist that  I'm pretty certain will not but I plan to speak to both docs and plead my case.


He has surgery (thoracotomy- his second) tomorrow so my question is does he need to be at the appointment with you?

Thanks again,

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