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5 Medical Conditions Cannabis Can Help Treat

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Medical cannabis uses cannabis or marijuana, a product that is also used for recreation, only that medical cannabis is used to treat diseases and other conditions. The main chemicals present in cannabis and have medicinal purposes are THC and CBD. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, which also provides the “high” effect people feel when they smoke marijuana or eat edibles, and cannabidiol or CBD (WebMD Medical Reference, 2018).

Medical marijuana is mainly used for pain control, particularly multiple sclerosis, and nerve pain in general. It allows patients to resume their normal states without completely feeling disoriented. In the same way, medical marijuana is also an excellent medicine for chronic pain, nausea, weight loss, glaucoma, wasting syndrome related to HIV and gut problems.

Health Benefits of Cannabis

The use of cannabis as an alternative has been hovering around for several years. Here are some of the health benefits of cannabis.
Let’s take a look at the health benefits of medical marijuana in detail.

Chronic Pain

The effects of cannabis in the endocannabinoid system or the receptors in the brain that are connected to appetite, pain, memory, and mood are still unclear. Nevertheless, cannabis reacts to physical shock and even eases the psychological part as well.
According to Andrea Furlan, a senior scientist at the University of Toronto faculty of medicine and co-chair of Project ECHO Ontario, although the effectiveness of cannabis is not yet proven, pieces of evidence are growing, enabling care providers to have the best choice for chronic pain treatment.

Multiple Sclerosis

Canada has about 100,000 cases of multiple sclerosis and is considered to be one of the countries to have the highest rate of it. But cannabinoids seem to aid the stiffness that makes movement difficult and causes painful muscle spasms or spasticity, the disease’s core symptoms.

A study from 2012 involving 22 institutions in the U.K. revealed that, of the patients who took cannabis extract, 29 percent of them testified for the improvement in their symptoms while only 16 percent who are making a placebo said that there was a positive effect.

Chemotherapy-Inflicted Nausea

A 2015 study by the Cochrane Collaboration, an international non-profit organization that analyzes health interventions evidence, found a connection between cannabinoids and patients undergoing chemotherapy. In this study, those who took cannabinoids had less nausea as compared to those who took a placebo. These findings entail positive results, meaning that the effectiveness of medical marijuana can match traditional anti-nausea drugs.

However, taking cannabis with other medicines may induce some side effects, such as dizziness, feeling high or drowsiness. This is why Shelita Datanni, the director of practice development and knowledge translation for the Canadian Pharmacists Association, says that medical marijuana can only be used as a last resort or an “adjunctive therapy” when all traditional options fail.


Due to evidence, there is a favorable potential in marijuana to help with sleep problems, mainly caused by medical issues such as sleep apnea, fibromyalgia, or M.S. (multiple sclerosis). Although researchers are hesitant about its positive effects, the improvement in sleep and its therapeutic benefits seems to be the cause of THC, which is the compound responsible for its sedative results.
With its relaxing effects, many marijuana strains can make you sleep better. Cannabis edibles like gummies are a good choice for you if you don’t like smoking marijuana. Say goodbye to insomnia with the help of cannabis.


“Weed,” a 2013 CNN documentary featuring Charlotte Figi, a child who had an insurmountable amount of seizures a week, depriving her of the ability to walk, talk, and even eat, became an opportunity for marijuana’s ability to stop seizures from being known. When five-year-old Figi’s seizures dropped to two to three times a month after her doctors prescribed her cannabis oil by her parents’ convictions, this inspired more laborious research regarding the effects of cannabinoids, especially in children, claimed Fiona Clement, an associate professor at the University of Calgary.

The use of cannabinoid on children with treatment-resistant epilepsy conditions in a recent study reported the effects of the cannabinoid to drop the frequency of seizures to 20 percent upwards and even sometimes zero (Milne, 2020).

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  • 3 months later...

Six months ago, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. This was expressed in various vegetative abnormalities, such as numbness of limbs, dizziness, and back and arm pain. Sometimes pills are great, but when they don’t have the right effect, I take HHC. Before I started taking cannabis extract, I needed to wake up to a doctor and choose the right kind of CBD that would not harm an extremely vulnerable organism. Marijuana is indeed able to relieve many of the symptoms of any disease, but, alas, it does not cure the problem.

Edited by maria.augustt
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  • 1 month later...

Strictly speaking, medical cannabis is either cannabis buds or concentrates or synthetic cannabinoids for therapeutic use. The active substances contained in cannabis inflorescences and leaves, which scientists have dubbed cannabinoids, reveal a wide range of therapeutic properties. I didn't know cannabis was more useful than vitamins in capsules until I tried ordering from highthc.shop and loved it

Edited by johnybrand
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  • 3 weeks later...

Marijuana is legal in many parts of the world and is used medically in several more. We know it helps some people suffering from chronic pain and is less addictive than opiates. It appears to aid with appetite in cancer patients. It can also be used as an anxiolytic. I strongly support marijuana as a medicinal option for the elderly. I would discourage young individuals from using it because it appears to have negative impacts on developing brains. I was also using the Gelonade strain, which gives an energy high that leaves you feeling elevated and social, and it helped me manage pain, anxiety, and insomnia.

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