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On The Difficulties Of Conducting Medical Marijuana Research

Though there are currently 18 medical marijuana states, and marijuana possession has been decriminalized in Colorado and Washington, many hurdles still exist when it comes to researching the drug's medicinal benefits. In 1970, under the Nixon administration, Marijuana was classified as a schedule 1 controlled substance, right along with heroine and above cocaine. The schedule 1 label, as determined by the DEA, means that marijuana: (A) has high potential for abuse. (B) The drug or other sub



New Study Links Marijuana Use With Lower Blood Sugar Levels

A new study published in the American Journal of Medicine has shown that marijuana use can lower the risk of diabetes and obesity. The study analyzed data collected from a 2005-2010 survey of over 4600 Americans. Of those surveyed, 2,103 had never ingested or inhaled cannabis, 1,975 had used marijuana in the past, and 579 were current users. The study found that current and prior cannabis users had lower fasting insulin levels as well as smaller waist circumferences. Though marijuana users were



A California Doctor's Perspective On The Cruelties Of Marijuana Prosecution

Daniela Drake, a graduate from the prestigious Stanford medical school, shares her experiences as a California "Pot Doctor" and how she was transformed from a skeptic to an avid supporter of medical cannabis. Like many doctor's involved in medical marijuana certifications, she has witnessed first-hand the cruelties and hypocrisy of marijuana prosecution, these experiences have compelled her to speak out. Michigan readers will resonate with her poignant story and will hopefully glean important le





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