Months ago a few patients and caregivers had begun to formulate a new foundation that will use donated monies from various events, projects and other areas to pay for new or current research and education developments in the medical marijuana community. The monies will be divided into two fellowships that will go to a private or public entity and subsidize or pay for the project in its entirety. A meeting is currently being planned and we are looking for interested members in the medical marij
Starting opening day of basesball season and continuing we will have a private parking lot for patients and caregivers. Parking is $5.00, normal area parking is $20.00. Corner of Adelaide and John R.Rd (near Fisher)
This is a secured lot and an indoor event location will be forthcoming.
Patients and Caregivers come enjoy an evening of "Music,medication, and art"
Phoenix Cafe, 24918 John R R., Hazel Park, Mi. 48030 (south of 10 Mile) 248-667-8817
Every Tuesday night from 7-11pm
Cover charge of $7.00, membership $20.00 $5.00 cover for members
Come enjoy great music, the arts, discussion, compassion and medication!
Open to Mi. patients/caregivers w/valid cards and id. Properly dated paperwork accepted, we reserve the right to refuse anyone.
For questions please c
Sponsorship- If you are interesting in promoting your business, offer coupons or just sponsoring the website let us know.
Legal Defense Alliance- Become a member and receive a variety of included free legal services and legal representation discounts.
Business Development- Komorn Law can assist in spearheading clients through the complex process of the medical marijuana business with a solid legal foundation.